I've made some badges for this blog and can't decide which one I like best. Would love some feedback to help me decide. Sandy's Space....how does one represent that. Space as in up in the sky, I love to garden, the page where one can make these fun badges doesn't have yarn, and that doesn't represent me always ...soooooooooooo what do you think:

Tell me which design you like, some are repeated with slight color changes, and or changes in font style or font size.
Heading to basement to throw load of laundry in, then outside to do more planting. Should get flowers done today? Think I need to make some black bean soup for Daddy, he loves black bean soup.
For fun...please scroll back to previous post, you can have fun with this video too, pass it along once you plug in your name. Too cute not to enjoy. Everyone needs a laugh.
PLEASE check this out, I'm still so moved by this I just can't put it all into words. THANKS BUNCHES LADIES!!