Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Well this is fun, and just what I needed. I didn't know this cute award existed; but what a clever idea it is. I was feeling a little blue after my Buckeyes last night played so poorly in the football game against USC. Though not taking anything away from them, they played very well. Congratulations USC.
Now this cute little award was bestoyed on me this am, by Sandie. Thank you very much, much appreciated.
To carry this forward, I am to select 7 blogs and pass along the award. What a fun and positive thing to do. We all need a hand up now and again.
Here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
**interruption here, need to look for batteries for my mouse. Getting a message my batteries are critical. Yikes.
Batteries, that took some doing. But, I'm back. Sandie had a rule as she looked at her to nominate for the award, blogs that are updated at least monthly, and about crafting. I like a bit of variety both in my own blogging and in my visiting of blogs; though I would say crafting is the biggest topic. I enjoy all my blogging buddies, but like Sandie tried to select those I didn't see on her list.
I'm off now to go leave messages for the above blogs, and pop in on Sandie's to say thank you.
During the game last night I almost finished my Sp. Olympics scarf (picture tomorrow), have a few rows left of my 3rd Red Scarf Scarf...those will go out in tomorrow's mail.
I need to take pictures of and document my stash for Ravelry...
I need to get my projects posted over on Ravelry, very behind on that
Dug up some plants for my brother and his wife, and need to tidy up the yard from that. Do some weeding too.
Have a super day, one and all.