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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Pretty Pretty Flowers

I love backyard flowers. I like lots of different colors and enjoy looking out the windows at them. Sometimes I think I should get rid of some of flower beds because as I get older the weeding, the mulching...get's to be a bit much. But I do really enjoy them. Many could be picked and brought indoors in a vase, but I rarely do that because they last so much longer outside. These pretty golden yellow Stella De Oro's bloom longer then many of the others in my yard. I like they way they clump and only grow about 2 feet tall, so they make it possible to have something taller behind them. I have these here and there in the yard and they really show up even on a cloudy day.

pink lillies
These Pink Lillie's are one of my favorites. I've babied these and this is the first year they've done this well. I moved them last year. They were close to the house because they have such a wonderful fragrance I wanted to be able to smell them easily. But the dang rabbits, and chipmunks kept eating them. When this plant is just popping it's head out of the ground it's young and tender and apparently they really like that. One year I kept something around it until it was ready to bloom to protect it. Then I removed the standard so it would be prettier and the very next day a rabbit went through and completely snapped it off. I was furious and ready to behead the pest. Some years they...chipmunks, squirrels, or rabbits...unsure which cause I didn't see the culprit actually dug up the bulbs. I kept replanting and everyday it would be dug up again. Anyone want to come hunt in my yard? Sooooooo last year I moved them and they've finally gotten thick enough they apparently don't taste good, as they've left it alone. However.........2 tiny off shoots near them I was looking forward to were completely eaten. errrrrrrrrrrrr Even my neighbor, Kevin remarks how nice these smell. He can enjoy them even from his backyard.

daisiesDaisies, love Shasta Daisies. Mine get so large they look more like a bush as time goes on. Some years I've actually had to tie them up for support because of all the blooms. They're really just starting in this photo. At night, just about dusk they look almost iridescent when I look out my window.

ButtercupsThese are yellow Buttercups, they're pretty but beware....they'll take over your whole flower bed. I've pulled most of these up and have only left a few plants out in the very back of the yard. That particular flower bed is less manicured and has a more wild look to it. Hope you've enjoyed some of the color from my back yard. And maybe next year, you all can come over and help me weed and mulch! lol

Monday, July 05, 2010

Fun Funky ALP Feza

This was so much fun to make, it kept changing right before my very eyes as I knitted. Knitted this lengthwise on 2 different sized needles and really like the way it turned out. Might have liked it to be just a couple of rows wider; but I knit my brains out until there was no more to knit with. Alp Feza is 247 yards and is a bit pricey at $39.95 a skein, so it's a one skein decorative scarf. It's super light weight and airy which I'm not sure you see from the picture.

I really must keep my eyes open to see if they ever put this on sale. This would work well for someone in a warm climate or someone who wears scarves in a cool air conditioned office in the summer.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Mom, Red, White and Blue

Happy 4th of July one and all. As I think about the 4th of July I think of Mom. No she wasn't in the military; but she always made a point to wear something special...something red, white, and blue at our family picnics. More than that she sewed and when I was young often made us new red, white and blue outfits special for The 4th of July.

We'd get up early put on our special clothes, and head to The Parade. It was great fun and very patriotic. Everyone cheering as The Fife and Drum made it's way down the street. This signaled the parade had started. It was fun, festive and always very traditional. We kids always had little flags to proudly wave. We snacked off and on throughout the day as we watched the slowly cooking meat on the spic. We played family games and sometimes went to a neighborhood 4th of July festival. After the delicious dinner and clean up we'd head to the fireworks. Generally we were hot and thirsty afterward so the watermelon that had been iced in a galvanized tub all day long tasted fabulous.

Mom loved the 4th and I'll think of her this year again; though she's not with us; as we honor those who made this holiday possible.

I'll proudly wear something Red, White, and Blue. How bout you?

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Art Festivals

metal sculpturemetal sculpture
This is the 2nd year in a row I've been able to attend The Columbus Arts Festival with my SIL's and I wanted to share a little bit of the fun with you all.

I love scuptures, particularly metal ones. There were others, but so many people around them I couldn't get pictures. Aren't they fantastic!

human scluptureThis was just plain fun, that's a real person not a sculpture! Some folks would walk by and really think it was a statue and he'd slowly grab them...what a hoot. I posed with him but someone walked right in front when my SIL, Jan and Julie snapped the picture....errrrrrrr. This might have been one of my favorite parts. We watched for quite a while.

old cameraLook at this marvelous old camera. The booth held wonderful black and whites from this artist.

It's a fun way to see lots of different kinds of art, to support hard working artist. Last year I purchased a jacket which I still love. She was there again this year, and quess what...yep I bought another one of her special jackets. Will get photo of it later.