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Monday, December 21, 2009

Working on Works in Progress

Doubt I'll get all my WIP (works in progress) turned into FO (finished objects) by years end; but am making headway. Last night finished a scarf for The Bridge and Beyond. Finished and have ready to mail a scarf for Oklahoma Brain Tumor Foundation (the one pictured here), which is knitted with 2 strands of yarn. The dark purple is Plymouth washable wool, and the light purple (which looks almost gray in the picture) is super soft Red Heart Plus...or at least I think that's what it's called. The wrapper was no longer on that yarn. It looks and feels like mohair; but having used it previously I know it's not. It's very thin and soft. This isn't a charity I'm real familiar with, but am doing this through the group Sharing our Gifts, which I just recently joined.

I've just separated some baby items, and am getting those ready for mailing, where did I put that address? lol...seriously, I cleaned my desk off the other day and it's caused me problems about where I put stuff when I got all neat.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Unending Circle of Life

lighted wreathA friend made this wooden wreath for me many years ago. I really like it. Sadly, I think this will probably be the last year for it. As you can see the lights are going. He strung lots of lights to this wooden frame and we place it on the garage just above the door. There really isn't a good way to replace a few bulbs, and the strings are nailed/stapled so removing them would be a job. A good portion of the red ribbon is not showing up, and now some of the greenery is starting to go. Hope we make it through the end of this season at least.
lighted wreathI thought it time to talk about the meaning, the true meaning of Christmas Wreaths. We place them in and outside our homes. We use artificial and life wreaths. The shape is a circle which represents the unending circle of life. Traditionally, wreaths are made of evergreen which represents everlasting life. Wreaths are often made of Holly branches, or sometimes holly branches are added to the evergreen wreath for decoration. Holly branches have thorns which represent the thorny crown that adorned Christ's head. The red holly berries represents Jesus's blood that was shed for us.

Peace and Love to you all during this special time of the year.

**Anyone know why the gadget to show other posts isn't working?
****Did you read the previous post about Nativities and Memories?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nativities make for lasting memories

When you decorate your house for the upcoming Christmas Holidays, do memories come flooding back to you. Do specific items you doctorate with remind you of a particular person or a particular Christmas Memory? This small old nativity set belonged to my hubby when he was a child. Many of the original pieces are gone either lost or broken; and others here have been glued and some pieces added; but most of the pieces are the original ones. We always set this up in our daughters room. When I first saw it many years ago, it made me smile as it's the exact same set my Mother had when I lived at home. Somewhere along the line, her set too had some broken pieces, and other pieces were scratched so she painted hers white and silver. So, even though Mom won't be with us this Christmas (a first, since she passed in April), I look at this child's nativity set and think of her.

This larger, and far newer nativity set was hand painted by Dorothy, my Mother-in-law. She's not been with us for a very long time now; but every year when I unwrap each piece I think of her. She was a senior citizen when she painted this set in ceramics and I think she did a fabulous job. The stable was made for her by a gentlemen who lived in her building at the time. He too was a senior. This nativity set is always placed on top of the entertainment center in the living room.

Tell me about your Christmas memories.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


If you're near my age you remember home movies, Dad would say "action", everyone would wave and talk and move around. Not sure why everyone talked, the home movies didn't have sound; but for some reason we did. Everyone waved at the person taking the movie, silly I suppose but, we felt compelled to interact with the cameraman.

We've come a long way from the camera pictured above, and that's not really one of the early models. I can hear the ticking now the camera made after it was wound up. lol And the awful bright lights.

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