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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boy and Dog, Wordless Wednesday

Perhaps I should say, almost wordless Wednesday. lol Little guy next door romping about in his jammies (Mickey Mouse Jammies), and his dog, Heismann. Heismann is always just a hair away.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

10 Thoughts for Tuesday

  1. One of my favorite lillies for today is My Mother's Birthday. RIP and know you are remembered
  2. The Japanese Beetle problem has lessened. YIPPEE
  3. Darling Daughter is getting nervous about not yet having a job lined up. Keep your toes and fingers crossed, please.
  4. Happy to report Hubby's feeling better (he's really been under the weather)
  5. Sad news learning about the recent death of Walter Cronkite, he was really quite an icon.
  6. I've not been feeling my best, allergies have been bad; though I think the meds are helping now.
  7. Laundry never goes away, been working on it alot today...groan
  8. Hubby's and my 40th class reunion is this wkend. Yikes, we're getting old.
  9. Jan, my SIL is working hard preparing for a big horseshow this wkend. It's a shame it's the same wkend as our reunion. She and I and hubby all graduated together. Good Luck Jan, hope things go well for you.
  10. Happy to report more seasonal weather has returned. I see the sun!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Traditional 4th of July Celebration

To the right in my side bar you'll see a photo widget I made with the pictures from our 4th of July Celebration. We had more food then we needed (nothing new), drink a plenty, and games. There were 14 of us, and for awhile my 3 neighbors joined us making 17. We had corn on cob, salad, potato salad, marinated chicken breasts, a variety of drinks both soft and adult.

A good time was had by all. We played corn hole, had 2 games going at one time, badmitten...lots and lots of badmitten. Had the croquet set up; but we ended up not playing that game.

After the family all headed their separate ways, hubby and I walked down to our neighborhood fireworks display. It was wonderful! One of the best we've seen. We were up close and personal, loved it.

It was odd not having Mom with us this year, her favorite holiday and all; but she was in all of our thoughts as we enjoyed each others company.

does anyone know if you can put one of those picture widgets in the actual post? I tried, but perhaps I didn't do it correctly?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Child Labor Laws, should this be reported?

See first, you gotta turn it on here.

Sometimes it takes more then one try.

Then you push, push, push.

"Jake, our you mowing in your PJ's?" The only thing as cool as Thomas The Train is Mickey Mouse.

He loves to come early in the morning. I was drinking my morning coffee, and had to run get my camera. If I could write, I think lots of fun short stories could be written about this little guy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two wild and crazy sisters

Wine for lunch, sure why not! We'd been busy and productive that morning. We'd gotten to the barn, took tons of photo's; toured a cemetery ...why not have a nice leisurely lunch with a glass of wine.

We had our lunch, and our nice wine downstairs since upstairs was closed; but we did venture up there afterwords. This is a waterside restaurant with inside and outside seating; as well as an upstairs more casual bar with great view of the water.

We had such a good time, we're thinking of making this a regular routine. In fact, we've penciled in another date to return--drink some wine, have lunch, and enjoy the views.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wedding Gown, Memories

Memory Monday, continuing with my alphabetical memories to honor my Mother.
GWedding Gown. Mom used to make lots of my clothes. Though when I was young I complained about coming in from playing to try stuff on, the long list of wonderful things she made is impressive. She made my wedding gown. White Dotted Swiss fabric. I didn't much care for lacy veils and so she suggested a hat. That was a bit of a trick because I have an usually small head; but we did find one that fit and she sewed on little flowers to decorate it.

Here's a better look at the dress.She also made my SIL, Jan's dress which was the same color purple as Mom's wearing. Hum, somewhere I have a picture of that. She stood up with me.

Another memory starting with the letter G has to do with Grape Pop. Mom loved grape pop and peanut butter crackers. This was a snack she often ate when she worked at The Mead Swimming Pool back in the day. Mom couldn't swim, and so wasn't a life guard; except on the days when they drained the pool to clean it. They would drain the pool, clean it, and then refill it. Apparently, by law they still needed to have a guard on duty; Mom's big chance. She laughed about sitting in the chair drinking her grape pop with no one or nothing to protect! lol

The silly things one remembers.

Thanks for making my dress, I loved it and I love you.

Previous Memory Monday, letter F