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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Selecting a Gravestone, Emotional Day

The Yucca's are starting to bloom. This year 5 are opening up. It seems to change each year which ones develop blossoms. I love these plants. You can almost see them open. Not quite like time lapse photography, but close. These plants got their starts in my parents yard, and so naturally is another connection to Mom.

Yesterday Daddy and I selected the gravestone. Such mixed emotions. On one had it was good to have things settled, taken care off...one more item off the to do list. On the other doing so not only brought back the loss of losing Mom (2 months ago), but the reality that we would lose Daddy too. Daddy is 83 and seems quite healthy and active. But, their plan has always been to be buried together in a double Urn. And so yesterday he and I selected the stone and secured it's placement in a family plot. The two of them will be surrounded by other family members. His parents, his grandparents, and his father's sister's and their husbands. A nice large family plot. I like that everyone is there together. People don't do that much these days. Families live far apart and when someone passes they're buried, but not much thought or planning for those that might follow.........thus families aren't together. This particular cemetery is beautiful. It's high on a hill overlooking Chillicothe, Ohio. I've always thought it the prettiest cemetery I've ever been in. AND, for those of you who know me well; you know how many cemeteries I've been in, how many gravestones I've photographed etc, so........that statement is significant. The lady at the monument company was nice, helpful and used humor to help us through the ordeal. She is 76 and has been doing this a very long time. She told us she hopped to work until she was 80.

These bright cheerful orange Tiger Lillies are in full bloom right now and are gorgeous. They're on the side of the garage. I wished they bloomed longer. They grow easily, often you see them along railroads. These starts also came from Mommy and Daddy's yard. So many of my flowers did, it's like my yard is a memorial to them both.

These pinkish-purplish lillies don't spread as easily as other varieties and are more fragile; have a heavenly scent. These are some of the very few I didn't get from my folks yard, I actually purchased these a few years back. Just wanted to share their beauty with you all.

These beautiful flowers make me smile and feel better inside. It was an emotional day.

Spend time with your parents, make yourself memories. The memories can make you smile on a cloudy day.

(These off and on posts here about My Mother, are like journal writing for me)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know when you leave comments on others blogs it helps your page rank? I didn't know that until today. I read a couple of interesting articles. Actually had to read them several times, cause I didn't completely understand initially. I knew I like to read blogs, and always always leave comments. How else is someone to know I was there. Or that I had an opinion of whatever it was they blogged about? Or that I liked their project, or their photo etc. etc. etc.

AND....don't we all love it when people leave us comments, and isn't it the back and forth part that makes blogging interactive and fun, and more than just a webpage? Well, yes I imagine everyone is nodding their heads in agreement on this.

Anyway, the articles went onto explain how bots, crawlers, spiders pick up on the comments, just as they do the content of the page; and that is another component of the google page rank. I never knew that, maybe you all did. However, pages often have blockers in them in the html blog page codes/templates that prevent them from being scanned by the blots, crawlers, and spiders. This was apparently initially done with the idea it would help people fight spam. But, it didn't-- so people have the option as to how open they make their blogs, whether or not they want those type these letters in (which I always have trouble seeing and have to type twice) anti spam thing with comments, or moderate their comments etc.

So, when you see one of these logo's/widgets or some such wording (which I've seen alot and never really understood), it means people have gone to the trouble of changing their html so when you leave comments it matters, not only to them; but to you. Nice hun! Ok, I successfully did it today on one blog; my traveling suitcase blog. Whew...it was a bit tedious. Tomorrow I'll have a look at the coding here and see how this one is set up. As I understand it, having them blocked is often the default setting. My eyes are sorta glazed over at the moment, and we're heading out to dinner to celebrate our 37th Wedding Anniversary at our favorite Italian place.

Please let me know if you knew this, I really found the articles facinating.

Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all the Dads that might be visiting.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Memories, Like The Corners of My Mind

Can you hear Barbara singing? It's Monday, time to share another memory with you. The letter F....not the easiest to think of a word; but it hit me. Friday.

When I was in junior high (what people today call middle school), we often had school dances on Friday night. I loved going and would talk about them the week before. Who was going with whom, what dresses people were wearing etc. Definately girl talk. Mom sometimes had fabric tucked away and would wake me earlier than I wanted to get up on a Sat the week before the dance. "You know, I've got this fabric and could probably make you a new dress for the dance; if I didn't have to spend time ironing or cleaning."

Hook....lol, yep. I'd get up and do the cleaning or ironing she needed done so she could sit at the sewing machine. Crafty wasn't she?

**It occurs to me this ongoing ABC memorial I'm doing for my Mother is something you could all do with your children. It might help them if you've lost a family member (pet or person). It's a nice way to remember the good times and not focus on the ending of things, which is rarely the part of someone's life we want to remember.