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Monday, March 16, 2009

Today day 18, in ICU

Well by the title you can tell Mom didn't get moved out of ICU yesterday. It was another tough day with another feeling of going backward. Such a let down after you think it's finally going the direction it needs to. She was pretty uncomfortable yesterday with having several x-rays, a new central line being put in (arterial line); and an old one removed. Problem is Mom is a very very hard person to stick, draw blood, start IV etc. They have to really work, often get multiple people, and she ends up bruised head to toe. This is frustrating to her, painful and makes her anxious which makes her vitals jump and be less stable than they should.

The person who removed the central line didn't come prepared with what she needed to complete the job and left the room part way through to obtain supplies, somehow doing that the water used in conjunction with oxygen started pouring in through the nasal cannula. She thought she was drowning, as did my Dad who ran for help. That incident made both of their blood pressures sky rocket. Emotionally she was on edge all day, as was he. Her bed was soaked, she had to moved alot to get everything cleaned up which caused her to be in more pain and wore her out.

On the positive side, she had several bites of soup, juice, and jello yesterday. Her nutrition is still really coming from the tube feeding; but....they're introducting clear liquids for the first time. I think thats pretty exciting.

It sounds like if they need her bed in ICU today, she may be moved out; as they consider her stable. Being stable is obvioiusly a good thing; though she's apprehensive about going to a different part of the hospital. In step down areas and regular areas of the hospital you obviously have less nurses taking care of patients and thats a bit scarey.

Hoping today is a better day. I'm going to the hospital before heading to work. I do feel I need to try and get back to work again.

Again many thanks to all for the prayers, and well wishes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 17 in ICU begins

Mom is still in ICU. She is doing better. Vitals are better, they've reduced her Oxygen level as she's able to do better now on her own. They removed the respirator and she's doing well with that. She still can't talk beyond a whisper. I don't know how long it will take to get her voice back since the respirator was in that length of time. But...the exciting thing is, she's doing far better than she was when they removed it the first time and had to put it back in.

She still has 2 chest tubes, but they are now draining on their own via gravity rather than being hooked up to suction which is another mini step forward.

She's still being fed by way of a feeding tube, though she has been allowed a few ice chips and a pop sicle or two which has been a real treat for her. She's more alert and though still in need of pain meds, it seems she needs them a little less.

We're very grateful to have her still with us and for all the wonderful support and prayers you've all offered.

She might....still a little iffy get moved from ICU today to what they call a step down unit. She still has much ahead of her and will still need lots of support and prayers in the days and months ahead; but for the first time I feel like she's truly turned the corner and is out of the woods.

HUGS and blessings to you all

Friday, March 13, 2009

2 Chest Tubes, ICU...Day 15

We got another surprise yesterday in ICU. Got there wanting a report on the callopsed lung and expected to hear update regarded the possible removal of the respirator. Instead we got news they wanted to insert a second chest tube for the other side of the lung. Apparently, even though puncturing her lung was a mistake and not what anyone wants the upside is that things were draining well. They felt draining the other side with chest tube rather than another needle extraction was needed to remove as much fluid as possible to increase her ability to breath when respirator was removed and to improve her vitals. So, another painful day for Mom. They pulled off quite a bit of fluid during the procedure and even more after by way of the tube. The got her situated, medicated again after the procedure and I think thats the most restfull I've seen her in this long 2 weeks. We all left, as visiting hours were over. Hubby and I headed back when visiting began again at 9 pm to tuck her in. I like to stay until I know she's sleeping and as comfortable as possible. Last night is the first time she was asleep when we got there and remained so. We checked on her 3 times before heading back home.

With any luck at all the next post will be that she's improving, and things are looking up. I thank you again for your support and prayers.

Knitted 2 pair of booties yesterday during our waiting time. Will toss some more yarn in my bag today as I prepare to head back to the hospital.

**Favor to ask
I posted a mini new post on my travel blog (it's nice to post something unrelated to the hospital, something I already have pictures edited for etc.), please stop in look around, post a comment or two. I'd really like to improve traffic on that page. Thanks!