They say a picture's worth a thousand words...well, I'm not going to write 1,000 words; who'd read it if I did. But, doesn't this picture have your mind thinking up a story? Looking at the SUV in front of me. You can tell they're a vegan or vegetarian...funny thing to tell stangers sitting behind your car. There's only one with the American Flag, might mean they're patriotic and think only that flag should be displayed, not for instants The Confederate Flag? Or perhaps they mean though they are 2 parties constantly waring with each other, there is only 1 country. They're probably a boater and or a camper...large hitch under the bumper.
Anyone else ponder things about places or people when you're stopped in traffic?
Since it's Friday 5, I'm counting that as 2 above...1, the general picture and wondering about the economy...maybe if people drove smaller more gas friendly cars they'd have more money? Or maybe people are doing better then the media has us believe?
2...The story of the blue SUV
3..We've had 3 seasons this week. It's been hot enough all the windows have been opened and the ceiling fans on like it was the middle of summer, it's been cold enough all the windows have been closed and we've dressed in layers...thinking about turning on the heat again like it's late fall, AND it's been wet and foggy enough to be early spring.
4..I was hoping to be done with the feather and fan knitted afghan (Sand and Sea), by now; but am not...though I'm continuing to work on it.
5..I've had the best time this week connecting with friends from my childhood, thanks to Facebook. There's a group page from my old hometown, and all of sudden I've connected with about half a dozen friends from my early grade school days. We've been sharing stories, pictures and memories. What great fun.
Speaking about memories. Please pop in on Monday. I'm going to try to get going with a meme, titled Memory Mondays. Tried sometime back but got way laid. Hopefully will have a linky up, provided I can figure it out. Everyone moans about Monday, lets put some fun into it.
Friday 5 badge and link in meme tab top of the blog, join us. Though...I'm late to the party today.
(BL5,F5 10)