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Showing posts with label Jamie Fraser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jamie Fraser. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Happy Mothers Day to Me!!!!! Espresso Anyone?

This fantastic package came for me from my Darling Daughter!  Thank you Christine.  She told me something was on the way, but would be delayed with shipping and that I might be able to make something...see me smile, that means yarn, wonderful wonderful yarn.  This is hand dyed, DK weight from Honey Girl Farms. 218 yards each..........

Look at the reverse side of the labels.  Click to enlarge if you can't read the names.  This yarn is from The Outlander Series!!!

The gold is Fall at the Ridge (when they were here in the states at Fraser's Ridge.

 Jamie Fraser is the darker blend right next to the gold.
This series is soooooooooo good.  I'm not done watching, so no spoilers please.  I watch this with 2 girl friends when we have "Girls Week" in Hilton Head, typically in the spring and fall.  Though this years spring trip was cancelled due to Covid.

Lallybroch Castle, Jamie's home in Scotland (fictitious name for the series).  It's actually called Midhope Castle.  I got to tour that castle with one of my girl friends several years ago on a tour we did of Ireland and Scotland.  Was very cool to see it in person.  It's the purple blend on the far right.

This is Brianna MacKenzie, Jamie's daughter.  I think I need to find a pattern like the shawl she's wearing.  For some of this yarn.  This blend is the one on the left, blues and some lavendar primarily.  

Will take some time to decide what to make with this yummy yarn.  I like Jamie Fraser and Fall at the Ridge together, so might pare those.

Soooooo excited.  Love you Darling Daughter and thank you for this awesome Happy Mothers Day Gift.

 Trying to show you a close up of Espresso.  It's grown about 3 x the size when I last showed you.  Please click to see the pattern.  I'm in section 2 now where I'm reversing the garter and purl blocks.
It's a bit hard to photograph, as it curls a bit.  No doubt will need a substantial edge when completed.

AND because we've had lots of bad news lately with Covid cases climbing...thought I'd post a wee bit of hope.  Please stay safe.  Stay home as much as you can, avoid groups, wash your hands, and wear your masks when you have to go out.

Looking to get cash back when you shop on line?  I just joined this a few weeks ago and have already gotten money back.  Join today, you've got nothing to loss folks.  https://www.rakuten.com/r/SANDYC3117?eeid=28187