This adorably little Toehead is Jake. He's sporting a knitted Ohio State Sweater I made for him several years back. The sleeves needed to be rolled up, my questimation on the rest was pretty good. Didn't have a pattern, used the basic rectangle approach and knitted this on my Bond.

Jake here tromping through the grass with hubby. He loved to pretend he was mowing back in the day. Our plan is when he's old enough to really mow...show him the picture and convince him he still loves it. lol We keep the mower in the shed and we'd get it out and pretend we were mowing when he came to visit.

Warming up after pool time here.

Jake getting his veggies drinking V-8. He loved it, knew where I kept it in the fridge and would point and say 8?

Exploring out in the yard with is binoculars.

I always kept bubbles on hand which he enjoyed on our deck.

Nothing like a wheelbarrow ride through the backyard. I'd take a break in my yard work and he'd climb in.

First summer, before he got all his curls.
This is my Jake in review picture post. He's various ages here. Hope you enjoy!
J post for the Z-A challenge.