This is another cross stitch table cloth I found when cleaning out my Dad's house. I like this one a bit more then the blue one in the previous post. I assume it's done by the same person, but am not 100% certain of that. These colors work in my decor, but the size doesn't work for my
Currently, it's on the rocker in the living room. The chair is one I've had for a long time, it was from my Great Aunt Irene, and I think she's possibly the stitcher. I think that because we know she once made a cross stitch framed piece that was the serenity prayer. She was my Dad's Dad's Sister. So, if my logic is right, it seems fitting that her stitchery is being displayed on her chair. But, you can't see the whole thing........anyone have thoughts about what else I might do with this cross stitched tabled cloth/family heirloom?
This is my Great Aunt Irene Mader. She was the only sister who didn't marry. She worked at the Post Office, had a really fun laugh. She was my Dad's favorite aunt. He'd stop and see her coming and going from dates back in the day. I remember them both talking about that in years past. Which is another reason I think the heirloom stitching pieces are hers. He would have been more inclined I think, to keep stuff from her.
A cropped photo from her grade school picture.
For my knitting and crochet's an idea. I really like this idea, particularly for when you're using up ends of skeins. If you roll a ball it gets away from you on the floor, or you end up sitting on it if you try to keep it in your chair. I often keep it in a zip lock bag in a tote on the floor, but sometimes it doesn't unwind well. Sometimes I use my yarn bowl, but I like that this is right with you at the same height almost vs being on the floor. This would also be a huge plus for people with pets.
This is the most recent movie I watched. I'm not sure I would recommend wasn't bad, but it wasn't real memorable either. It was a bit odd, sorta the odd that when you start you think maybe you won't finish it, but it's odd enough you wonder what will happen next so play through. Anyone seen it? What did you think? If anyone watches it, let me know what you think. It was on Amazon Prime.
No new pictures of my shawl, cause it doesn't look much different. I thought I would be done by now, but life has gotten in the way. Dad isn't doing well, so have been busier doing things connected to him and his care at the Assisted Living Center, and frankly getting some things in line, as we believe his time with us won't be very long. Trying to take care of details, dotting i's and crossing t's where we can to make things a bit easier on all when the time comes. Hospice is seeing him more often now, which is helpful.