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Showing posts with label Back. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Making Headway!!! YIPPEE

Mom's stitches in her head (from the injury when she fell at the first Rehab Center), will come out on Sat. She'll then get to wash her hair which she's really looking forward to. Many thanks for all the good vibs, prayers and wishes from you all. She's making a wee bit of headway each and every day.

Hats and booties sent to Marine Corp Kids today. 4 of the booties match the hats and could be used as sets; or if when received the need to separate to cover more families...that works too. All items knit.

Addressed and mailed out a stack of please donate to the Cancer Society today also. You know, when you sign up to be your neighborhood representative.

My back is still far from 100% and I was super tired working yesterday on my feet. Perhaps today will go better. I'm hoping to maybe find a place to have a massage early next week to help.

Worked a bit on Candy Corn Ghan again. Seems forever since I've worked on it.