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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Yarn Stash Oh My, Fresh Mint and More


Fresh Mint is done, it's been laundered and is now being blocked/drying.  Some of the squares were a bit more stretchy than others, so there's a bit of a wonkiness to it; but it will keep someone warm, and it's cheery and bright.

Just laid this one out to begin sizing the squares.  Don't believe I have enough black so plan to use red to even up sizes, then edge in black, perhaps in a strip vs each square...again because I don't think I have enough black, then maybe a red and black final edge?  Will have to play it by ear and may need to make some adjustments as I go.  I've not come up with a solid name for this one yet....perhaps Firecracker?  Love some thoughts from you all.  Maybe RedDawn?

There are many memes out there, but this one spoke to me.  The double standard in this day and age is most annoying.  And JD Vance's comments about how woman who aren't mothers are less, should get less of a vote, etc etc.  I'd like to knock him upside his head for starters.


Yes 3 more Elin Hilderbrand books!!!  All good, all entertaining, and all are recommended.  Golden Girl might be her most unusual book, dealing with the beyond......what happens after death if you could watch you family and friends.  Nantucket Nights probably the most entertaining and made me think of Casper the friendly ghost...yes those of you my age will remember that cute cartoon.  Silver Girl.......think Bernie Maydoff, it's full of who knew what and when.

#1 New York Times Best Seller!  The behind the scenes, how things unfolded with trump trying to be a dictator, to his impeachment trials, to the insurrection on Jan 6th.  We're still very much dealing with the fall out, and the scary possibility he could make it even worse.

Back in December my daughter convinced me I needed to start thinning out my stash.  I sent her home with 41.5 pounds of yarn at that time, and previously showed you a picture of the donation.  She donated it to several different locations in St. Louis.  I've continued to sort, separate, untangle and roll yarn since then.  And when she was home over the 4th of the July, I sent her home with 51.5 pounds of yarn (forgot to get a picture of it).  Actually thought I had taken one...who knows, I don't have one.  Those donations are full and partial skeins but not bits and bobs like you see here.  Here are 6 bags of smaller left overs I call bits and bobs, that a friend and classmate said an art teacher of hers could use.  This was only 3.75 pounds.  Am I done......nope!  I'm still sorting; but can't get rid of all my stash until I finish making all the afghans I have from donated squares, and rectangles.  This is an ongoing project.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Knitting, Crocheting, Audio Books, and Fitbit

 Another Afghan in the works.  Calling this one Fresh Mint.  As you can I have some really different sized squares and rectangles.  I've used this mint green to edge previously and since I'm trying to use up stash, decided I would use the mint green to bring the squares to size, but join them with light gray.  I don't normally join before edging every square, but was having a hard time reaching the rows above, so thought I could join the 3 rows, then move everything down to make reaching things easier.

Here it is before I started edging.  Plus, you can probably tell I moved a few squares around.  Had all the bright yellows at the top and the muted yellows at the bottom for one.

I've made some good headway with my shawl.  When Last I photographed it, I was working on the first green section, and am now on the 2nd green section.  As the triangle gets wider, the number of stitches per row really increases.  Make it seem slower for sure.

Three more Elin Hilderbrand books....sorta.  I didn't really care for Reunion Beach, as the Hilderbrand area was a book I had already enjoyed, and I didn't think much of the others.  The book is an apparent tribute to Dorothea Benton Frank.  I think I read one of hers years ago, but don't remember which one.  I've searched my 5 Libraries and haven't found any of hers as audio books, so probably won't pursue her books.  I did enjoy the first 2 Elin Hilderbrand books though, so put those on your list.

Camera Girl was fascinating.  I was a young girl when Jackie was the first lady, so didn't really know much about her.  This book covers her early years, prior being Mrs. John F. Kennedy.  She was quite accomplished, intelligent, and very full of life.

A story about a woman who defies social norms, her rich parents and follows her heart.  Inspired by the real life story of Samuel Bellamy of the high seas.  Pirates, adventure, and of course love!  Enjoy.

It's been so long since I've recorded my activity that Fitbit, the webpage apparently no longer exists.  I was floored.  You get a message that says you can check your dashboard in the app.  Well the format on the app is not nearly as good as what the  webpage was.  So, The only thing I seem to be able to find is daily averages for each month in miles or steps.  The webpage gave totals for the month which I preferred.  So it looks like the last time I recorded anything here was Dec of 2023.

Jan I averaged 3.85 miles per day

Feb 4.57

March 3.97

April 2.84 (the month I had my dental surgery)

May 2.94

June 3.85.   I don't know when the last time was I recorded planks, so I guess I need to start over on that.

Ukraine hasn't been in the headlines much lately, but I was please to see this sign of support on one of my recent walks through the neighborhood.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Summertime, Cocktails, Books, Afghans, Food....What are you up to?


Shades of Fall is the latest afghan.  It's been laundered and is drying/being blocked as we speak.  This is yet another afghan that will be donated.

It's oriented differently in this picture before I started edging and joining.  As you can see the squares weren't all the same size, some are knitted and some are crocheted.  Some are a bit more rectangle than square, so they weren't all edged with the same number of rows.  And I ended up moving a few squares around for sizing and color from this the original layout.

I enjoyed more Elin Hilderbrand books.  I've never been to Nantucket, but her books make me want to go.  This book will remind you of a movie, "Same Time Next Year".  I know you'll enjoy it.  Lots of different emotions come to light in this book.
Three women with problems need to escape their routine lives so they head to the beach.  Can 3 women get along in such a small cottage?  Can lives be repaired?  Can love blossom?  Lots of intrigue, hope you'll enjoy this book; I certainly did.
This book of Elin Hilderbrand has lots of emotion!  How does a dead woman control the events leading up to a wedding from the grave?  Love, scandals, betrayal......all take place.  Add this to your list, take it to the pool or beach with you and enjoy.

No, I haven't completely stop reading heavier books.  Maggie Haberman, A Whitehouse News Correspondent gives lots of back story how this sleazy man came to be.  While I knew of lots of his antics both before and during his time occupying our Whitehouse.........this book leaves no room for doubt about what a truly horrible human being he is.  The way he treated people makes you want to scream from the roof tops.  He is a true danger to us all.
I've added a new cocktail to my repertoire.   A Paper Plane.  Such a refreshing cocktail for summertime.
This is what you need to make the delicious cocktail: Lemon juice, Aperol, Amaro Nonino, and Bourbon.  Garnish with a slice of lemon and or orange.  I  had lemon on hand..
Summertime isn't complete without a dinner of kababs.  Love veggies cooked this way, pair with pork, chicken, or beef.  We opted for chicken this time round.  Both Veggies and chicken were marinaded in olive oil, garlic, and paprika. 

Will show update on my shawl next post, with some exercise stats such as they are.  Hope you're all doing well and staying hydrated with the intense heat much of the country is experiencing.