Did you know when you leave comments on others blogs it helps your page rank? I didn't know that until today. I read a couple of interesting articles. Actually had to read them several times, cause I didn't completely understand initially. I knew I like to read blogs, and always always leave comments. How else is someone to know I was there. Or that I had an opinion of whatever it was they blogged about? Or that I liked their project, or their photo etc. etc. etc.
AND....don't we all love it when people leave us comments, and isn't it the back and forth part that makes blogging interactive and fun, and more than just a webpage? Well, yes I imagine everyone is nodding their heads in agreement on this.
Anyway, the articles went onto explain how bots, crawlers, spiders pick up on the comments, just as they do the content of the page; and that is another component of the google page rank. I never knew that, maybe you all did. However, pages often have blockers in them in the html blog page codes/templates that prevent them from being scanned by the blots, crawlers, and spiders. This was apparently initially done with the idea it would help people fight spam. But, it didn't-- so people have the option as to how open they make their blogs, whether or not they want those type these letters in (which I always have trouble seeing and have to type twice) anti spam thing with comments, or moderate their comments etc.
So, when you see one of these logo's/widgets or some such wording (which I've seen alot and never really understood), it means people have gone to the trouble of changing their html so when you leave comments it matters, not only to them; but to you. Nice hun! Ok, I successfully did it today on one blog; my traveling suitcase blog. Whew...it was a bit tedious. Tomorrow I'll have a look at the coding here and see how this one is set up. As I understand it, having them blocked is often the default setting. My eyes are sorta glazed over at the moment, and we're heading out to dinner to celebrate our 37th Wedding Anniversary at our favorite Italian place.
Please let me know if you knew this, I really found the articles facinating.
Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all the Dads that might be visiting.