BeforeAnd After. 30 squares in this afghan, some knitted but most are crocheted. In the before you can see how the sizes varied; but thankfully I had a rather large skein of the blue shown in the first picture to size the squares. Only had a very small ball of yarn left...just made it...whew. I titled this one Blue Eyes. It's been laundered and is here drying/being blocked. This is my 4th ghan made while we're wintering in SC.Despite the bigoted jerk in The White House move of telling google etc to remove Black History Month, Pride Month, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jewish Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage, and Indigenous People's Month from the calendars, This is Black History Month. If you haven't yet done so, please add it to your calendars, post it to your various social media pages. AND next add Jewish Heritage Month to your May calendars.Given we've recently seen Musk, and Steve Bannon give The Nazi Salute in public to applause, I want to ask everyone to read/listen to this book. We are facing very serious and scary times. I know some people say they can't read about WWII or Hitler because it's too close to what's happening right now....I say that's why you must read it. We had German American Bund Groups here in the US at the height of Hitler coming to power. I knew Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg were pro-Nazi and anti American Government; but had no idea we had active children's groups. There were 40 local branches of Nazi Youth Groups here in the US. There were Nazi Summer Camps, primarily in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania; but the groups spread to Illinois, Wisconsin and California as well. This book gives you such background about how prevalent White Supremacists were, and how Pro Nazi groups came to power. PLEASE read this book and tell others to do so as well.A picture from one of the Nazi summer camps...uniforms and swastika's. And look how young some of these children were as they were being brain washed.
This picture has been posted before, but I thought it worth a repeat. This Neo Nazi group marched in a neighborhood not far from my home just a few months ago. The KKK is still alive and well, as are many other groups (The Oath Keepers, 2 percenters, The Proud Boys) etc.