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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ipads, Reading and eBooks

I got an ipad a few months back as a birthday gift from my DH.  I'm still feeling very much like a newbie at it; but am enjoying having it.  Normally I don't read all that much ....beyond knitting or crochet patterns, or blogs...lots of blogs; but since getting the ipad have found I read more then I did before.

Why?  Maybe it's the novelty of the gadget...if so, no doubt that will wear off at some point.  Maybe it's the ease of having things at your finger tips.  You don't have to go to the book store, you don't have to go to the library.  In fact you can spend 10 minutes or less and look through what Amazon has to offer pretty quickly.  I narrowed my search to free or $0.99 cent books, then selected a genre I like wow......the number of offerrings is pretty staggering.  Then through Amazon, I saw something called Book Bub.  It's even better.  You don't have to know what you're looking for, or who the author is.  Again you plug in a few things, like how much you want to spend and what genre's you like and each day in your email box you get a notice of 2-4 books...Generally I've gotten 3.  There's a snipet about the book and how much it costs you click buy or not.  You don't need to buy a certain number of books in a certain time frame like a book club.  Selecting books couldn't be easier.  Once you click in your email, you're taken to your amazon page, where you click buy with one click...AND you are DONE!

Each time you turn on your ipad or Kindle or other e-reader the bok loads and you're ready.

The above book is one I recently finished.  I paid 0.99 cents for this book; not the normal price but it was the special of the day.......another advantage of Book Bub.

Have you read this book?  I'll be doing a review, prbably in several different blog posts, as there is much to discuss about this book.  Please join me.  Its a serious topic, one that needs to get attention and truly needs to be discussed.

Though in my last post I mentioned I joined a new blog challenge, that has gone by the wayside.  I'm trying to get back into blogging with more regularity and that challege wasn't going to do it for me.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The New Year

The New Year is a time for resolutions and starting fresh, so why not start with a challenge to kick off the new year! I have come up with the #2014bloggerchallenge. The challenge is to write a blogpost twice a month about different topics. The #2014bloggerchallenge posts will go live during the 1st and the 3rd weeks of each month. Everyone who signs up will be sent an email with the post topics. The topic ideas are there to give you new ideas and encourage you to write about things you wouldn't normally write about.

Well, I've done it again.  I've joined yet another blog challenge.  Which is probably good, as it's been awhile since I've blogged regularly on all 5 of my blogs.  Sometimes you need a kick start.  

I'm at #388 on a list of 409 bloggers who signed up for the challenge over at Another Girly Blog.  Gaby wrote the post about the challenge back in Nov, giving us all time to gear up.   Several weeks later, she sent out emails with the topic...again giving us time to write our post.  However, I'm just now on January 1, writing my post.  Life's been busy is my excuse.

Welcome to 2014, and the challenge.  I'm looking forward to getting out and about and visiting lots of new blogs and making new blog friends.

The topic:
The topic for the first post of the #2014BloggerChallenge is going to be "New Years Inspiration" - the idea is that instead of writing new years resolutions on your blog you share a quote or a picture that inspires you and you think will inspire others in the New Year. 

That little logo, inspires me.  It inspires many others as well.  Why?  It represents kindness, caring, and loving hands coming together to accomplish something that is near and dear to my heart.  It's the logo for my charity.  It's a ministry that reaches homeless people in need.  It reaches Men, Women, and Children living out doors in central Ohio; as well as those living in temporary shelter situations.  For 5 years knitters and crocheters and others have used their time and talents to keep people warm with making and donating hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, and other warm items.  Through a wonderful team effort we've been able to warm thousands of people in 3 different family shelters, people in food lines, and people living outdoors....under bridges and beyond.  If you knit, or crochet, or want to be a part of something that truly matters...check out the blog HERE.  (the logo is also an active link).  You do not need to knit or crochet to help.  

**edited to add, please folks kill your captcha's, when trying to visit lots of blogs it's beyond a nuisance and time consuming**

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Knitted Green Kimono Style Sweater

Saw this on Facebook and it made me chuckle, so while it's been a while since you probably had left overs from Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share this.  lol  Actually I think the best part of going to someone else's house for the feast is not having left overs to deal with.  I'm not much of a fan of left overs, and the meal itself really isn't one of my favorites.  What I like is having time with family.  I hope you all enjoyed your time with family and friends, with or without leftovers.

I'm doubling up today with this post, why?  Cause I'm several days late getting the post up for YOP, and today is Wednesday soooooooo .

**All badges are links, click and join us, link up and share some linky love along the way**

This green sweater has been a long time in the making.  I barely got started on it last year right after Christmas, as it was suppose to be a belated gift for my DD.  It kept getting put away.  Been trying to get back into it so have been working on it now for awhile...large piece is the back and the smaller piece (the one still on the needles is one of the fronts.  I'm wondering when the time comes if it's best to laundered, and block before stitching together or stitch together then launder and block.  Love some input.

Hope you're all busy and enjoying the projects you're working on from your list (YOP), as well as projects you're trying madly to get done in time for Christmas Gifts.

If you've got time, would you consider making something for Bridge and Beyond?  We're getting more requests this year.  Seems more are living out in the cold, and the weather turned colder then normal earlier then normal here.

If you're cold, got snow on the ground and want a warm thought..........please check out a post from a quest blogger on my Travel Blog, I promise you'll be glad you did.
Here, and or HERE.