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Monday, June 15, 2009

Memories, Like The Corners of My Mind

Can you hear Barbara singing? It's Monday, time to share another memory with you. The letter F....not the easiest to think of a word; but it hit me. Friday.

When I was in junior high (what people today call middle school), we often had school dances on Friday night. I loved going and would talk about them the week before. Who was going with whom, what dresses people were wearing etc. Definately girl talk. Mom sometimes had fabric tucked away and would wake me earlier than I wanted to get up on a Sat the week before the dance. "You know, I've got this fabric and could probably make you a new dress for the dance; if I didn't have to spend time ironing or cleaning."

Hook....lol, yep. I'd get up and do the cleaning or ironing she needed done so she could sit at the sewing machine. Crafty wasn't she?

**It occurs to me this ongoing ABC memorial I'm doing for my Mother is something you could all do with your children. It might help them if you've lost a family member (pet or person). It's a nice way to remember the good times and not focus on the ending of things, which is rarely the part of someone's life we want to remember.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

Doesn't this look fun? I always loved Robert Louis Stevenson's book of poetry for children when I was young. This poem was my favorite. It was likewise for my daughter when she was growing up. We'd recite it when she was swinging. This little adorable toeheaded guy isn't still a minute and is my pseudo grandchild. I've recited it to him and it brings back fond memories.

He's too young to write about his fun on the swing; but I plan to keep him talking about it.

Do you have a favorite poem from your childhood?

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I showed you the inside of one of these Iris a few posts back, but wanted to show you a large group of them in bloom. They're done now, and actually I just finished trimming them today. These line all 3 fence rows in the back, plus the 2 sides of the house. All are from starts from Mom and Dads yard years ago that I've continued to separate and plant and plant and plant. So...it seems those of you who voted on which badge to use for my blog....hit it right on the head.

We've had a very busy couple of days. Many of you will remember my niece Janet, who had cancer and spent such a long time in the hospital etc. She and her mother came for a visit a few days ago. She looks great, feels great. Was wonderful to see her again. She's now on her way traveling to Switzerland! A summer study abroad type program. How awesome is that. One day a group of us went to The Arts Fest here in town...it was hot but we had a great time anyway. Walked alot and then collected up with the rest of the family that evening for a cook out after SIL picked up the ladies from the Spa. More fun. Then while the men went fishing, some of us spent the day at the zoo with my oldest nephews's son. Great fun...another hot day for sure; but hadn't been to the zoo in a long time so really enjoyed it.

Today..........spent time trying to finish up some stuff in the yard, while hubby played golf, and well thats about it. I'm tired.

Hope you all had a fabulous wkend and have a good week planned.

I've made several updates over on the Bridge, so please stop in to see the wonderful projects. Finally I was able to finish a project...really the first yarn since Mom's passing. I'm still having a hard time getting motivated to knit and crochet again. Though I did spend time the other day organizing my office and got yarn also organized. Perhaps that will help.

Take a virtual trip with me on my travel blog, I've updated there as well.