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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday....I just don't what to think, Day #40

Not much new from Mom's bedside there at the hospital. Hemaglobin still being watched carefully to assertain how much bleeding is going on, and whether or not things are recovering in that area. She was 11 something after the last 2 packed cells given about 5 days ago, she dropped to 10, which while to low seems to be leveling out. She's coughing up less blood. The chest tube drained quite a bit out of her lungs for the first day and has slowed down since then. The color is less bloody, so that would appear to be a good sign.........on the other hand, they say her lungs aren't clear and were hoping to get more fluid out. Respiratory therapy treatments continue around the clock every 4 hours. Her vitals.......well, we wish we knew. One minute they're bad, then they get a little better for a few minutes, then go bad again. Initially yesterday am, she looked very bad and was in lots of pain. Later in the day, her pain level seemed better and she was more responsive and better color.

Each day as we walk down the hall to enter her room, we wonder how that day will go. It's sure been a long hard hospital stay. I've been pretty impressed with the level of caring nurses she's had over this long haul. Some better than others, human nature; but many who truly care and help not only her, but us family members as well.

Continued thanks for your prayers and support.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Today, Day 36! Better or Worse?

The last 4 days have been hectic, emotionally up and down; though mostly down. Mom continued to bleed, continued to throw up blood and became increasingly more uncomfortable. Her breathing became more labored, hemaglobin was up and down though more down than up. She received more packed cells.

Once again the surgeons thought about doing an endoscopy to try and determine the source of the bleeding. Once again they scheduled and cancelled it. This now makes the 4th one scheduled, and 2nd one cancelled. This wasn't communicated very well, and there seemed to be confusion to do it or not.

Enter, Dr. Iscabar!!! A wonderful doctor and communicator. FINALLY! She's a Pulmonary and Intensivist. She explains she's got too much fluid in her lungs to do endoscopy and that would heighten the risk, she ups her Lasix's, ulters the IV's, and indicates she needs closer watching. Transfers her to A step down unit (where she went right after being ICU), a much lower nurse to patient ratio, more equipment etc. Further she indcates the primary difficulty needing immediate attention is her lungs, full of liquid, the need to stop the throwing up, emphysema being a major problem. Cardiologist get involved and the decision is made for added suction to get some of the junk out of her stomach, insert a chest tube (now her 3rd one) to drain off this liquid (which appears to have lots of blood in it) from her lungs. They did all this yesterday. She's in pain, but actually is breathing and resting better. Her hemaglobin is starting to recover.

For the time being, status quo. Everything seems to be monitored more closely and she makes rounds more often and communicates and toes and fingers crossed; we might be seeing some minimal improvement. She's far from out of the woods; but...maybe a light at the tunnel can be observed.

Thanks to all for your continued support and prayer, all is much appreciated. Managed a few updates here on the blog with my charity numbers. My yarn bag stays with me at the hospital. Most recently, I've made 6 pair of booties and 5 infant hats.

I hope to get some pictures proceesed to update the bridge, so please check in later there. Would love you all to pop over to my SIL, Jan's site (some of you have before), to see her really awesome new blog banner. We're both pretty excited about it. Badges for both in the right side bar.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

And on and on it goes! Mom 32 Days.

Well...as the saga continues, they did not do the 3rd endoscopy. She was prepped, we were told it would be early am so naturally we all planned to be there. Late Tuesday evening the surgeon came in and verbally said no, they weren't going to do the procedure. However, thats apparently all he did. Her tube feeding was stopped at 12 mn which was part of the procedural prep, and in the am, the docs in endoscopy called the unit to say they were ready for her. One of the nurses started to do the last part of the prep, when my younger brother who'd gotten there early said not to, as he had been there when the surgeon said they weren't going to do it. So....back and forth. Communication has not been good. Finally, everyone realized they weren't going to and started her tube feed again etc. Surgeon still thought it was the ulcers. They continued to check her blood, and as it went up and down they would give her more blood. She continued to bleed, though for a day or so it looked like less; then she had 4 bouts of throwing up the bloody drainage junk, count went down etc. The whole week has been this way. They've continued to give her heparin for blood clots since she's not active, insulin due to the tube feed, IV's, meds for the ulcers, meds for nausea, chest x-rays done daily to check on lungs (trying to hold of pneumonia).

We still just don't know how things are going. One day or even part of the day things seem better then she goes back severall more steps. Her frustration and depression are apparent. Today, they got her a special bed. The hospital rented this high tech special bed to try and help her with the back pain she suffers. Fingers crossed that helps her tonight get a decent nights sleep. She's managed to be up in a chair about an hour the last 2 days but is in pain when she does so; and then is totally wiped out afterwards.

Thanks to all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. I've continued to knit like a mad woman spending all that time at the hospital.