I love having Followers, Thank You

Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm Listening, Memory Monday

 Ok folks, gonna try this Memory Monday again.  How's this for taking one back...I mean really back.  I don't know when I scanned this, and I don't now know where it is.  This was my Kindergarten report of progress card.  Don't you love how colorful it is, the stick people, the school house with The Flag out in front?  I found this along with some class pictures some time back and scanned them, then had forgotten all about it.  Due to computer troubles, the need to change browsers and thinking I had lost thousands of photo's, Dear Hubby did something on the computer which transferred over 3,000 photo's.  Many were duplicates like before and after pictures were edited, many were photo's I had taken off the computer and have on disc's and jump drives....somewhere........but among those 3,000 were some real treasures.  I guess maybe I scanned stuff and returned them to Mom and Dad?  Though Dad's not sure he has anything there...and I feel sure there aren't here.  hum....
Hard to believe, NOT if you know me some of the marks above.  Though I might take exception with the plays well with others....perhaps the teacher miss interpreted and meant I played too well, too often with too many, lol.  Only thing I do remember well was rest time.  We took towels to school so we could lay down on the floors and "rest".  Apparently that was not a favorite time for me.  The quiet kids got to get up sooner, me....can remember being one of the last to get up...apparently I like to visit more then "rest".

  • Grab the badge, post it in your post with a link here
  • Find a cute, fun, picture and write a blog post, share your memory.  It doesn't have to be from the way back machine...we make memories each and everyday.
  • Add your name and link to your blog post here in the linky
  • Visit others, enjoy, spread the word, let's take Monday from a day to groan and think...eeeeww Monday to a day that makes us smile and remember

So...I'm listening, what do you have to say?

**ps, haven't been blogging, with above computer problems I've noticed my header looks funny...or at least it does to me, am now using google chrome, which I'm not too happy about, much preferred Mozilla FireFox.  Can you all let me know what browser you're using and whether or not the header looks right for you?**

Friday, August 30, 2013

Random 5 on Friday

Goodness, it's been awhile since I've posted.  Fallen behind on all 5 blogs.  Partly because of work, partly because of doing LOTS of genealogy.  Partly because of computer issues, still not totally resolved.
  • Got notices from windows, Int. Explorer, and Mozilla FF that everything needed updating, argh.  I never use Internet Explorer, so haven't been doing any updates, seemed pointless.  I did the windows update, even though much of it seemed to be directed to those who game, who need more animation etc.  Started having issues with pop ups (something called pup.whitecloud and it's variations), so ran the long virus scan even though I'm set to do it daily at 3 am, also ran the malware quick scan which was suggested.  Thought it ran all the time, but I guess not the free version.  Found some junk and got it taken care of.  Few hours later the problem returned, so this time I ran a full malware scan and it found a few more (took several hours to run).  Then I thought maybe doing the update for Moz FF would help, as part of it was security related.  That made things MUCH worse!  While on Moz FF everything I went to my gmail or did a google search the problem came back.  After running a 3rd scan, I uninstalled the most updated version of Moz FF.  Did some reading and it seemed installing a much older version might be the solution, I did that; it was the most popular of the older versions.  It crashed.  So once again I uninstalled it.  After using Int. Explorer for a day a friend suggested I'd like Google Chrome better.  Yes, I like it better then Int. Explorer.  For one it keeps me signed in, where as Int. Expl, doesn't despite my clicking the box that says keep me signed in, remember my password.  But, I don't like Chrome better then my Mozilla FF.  Am attempting to get used to it.  The font isn't one to my liking, both in size and how light it is; very hard to read.  I read it's suppose to be able  customize...but I'm not seeing a way to do that without signing into chrome, opening another account which I really don't want to do...for fear it will automatically convert me to google+ which I want NO PART of.   Sigh
  • I've joined the smart phone generation and am getting used to it.  There is a learning curve, but so far am enjoying my windows phone.
  • I've not knitted or crocheted in a couple of weeks, might be a record for me
  • Been really enjoying the research I've been doing for a friend, learning so much about her family, and love that she and her family are so into it.  Also been researching for my SIL and have put trees on line for her, her sister etc.  Still also trying to solve some mysteries in my own family tree on my Mom's side of the family.  Have been quite successful with gaps that were there from years ago when I last worked on it; but still have several mysterious that are quite puzzling.
  • Didn't do my Monday Memory linking this past Monday, I'm just not getting any participation so am trying to decide whether or not to continue.  Will probably try it a few more weeks before making a final decision.  Soooooo, please........I know EVERYONE has memories.  Please swing back on Monday, join the linky and let's see if we can get this thing off the ground.

Hope you all enjoy your long weekend.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Snookie's Story on Memory Monday

Welcome to another addition of Memory Monday.  This one picture has caused me to wonder, to question, to ask, and to research for many many hours.  Why?  The person on the far left, behind the dog had a nick name of Snookie.  When I was young my Mother, who's the little one here in this picture talked about a person named Snookie, a cousin that lived with them for awhile.  Doing the family tree for my Mothers side of the family years ago didn't answer the question who was Snookie.  Everyone in the above photo has past...well, I really don't know if Snookie is still alive or not.  But, since all others are gone; to no one to ask.

I have in my possession a child's oak roll top desk that I remember my Mother saying belonged to Snookie.  Left to right Aunt Viola who died very young, behind her Uncle Harold (nickname Whitie),  my Grandmother who died when my Mother was still young and in school, Aunt Millie, My Grandpa who died when I was very young, and Aunt Muriel.  These are The Barrows who lived in Chillicothe, Ohio near The Mead Paper Mill.

Only one of my cousins remembers hearing the name Snookie in her growing up years.  When I discovered this picture Snookie got a real name, Mildred Armstrong.  My Dad remembers hearing that name, but didn't whom she was.  My one cousin who remembered hearing the name of Snookie and Mildred Armstrong thought she was a friend, not a family member.  That theory seems to be supported in the only documentation I've yet to find, the 1940 census when a Mildred Armstrong is listed as living with the above family; she's listed as a boarder.  It still puzzled me though because of my memories from Mom and in her handwriting on the back of the picture it says cousin.

Yesterday, the mystery was solved.  She is a cousin a Watson's cousin.  Grandma in the above picture's maiden name was Watson.  One of her sisters, Bertie is Mildred's mother.  Bertie was apparently married several times, Mildred hasn't been found in any census living with her parents.  That part of the memory still remains a mystery.  But, at long last I can know whom the owner of my antique child's roll top desk is.  In this picture, I think you can see family resemblance too...look at Mildred Armstrong and then at my Aunt Millie(Mildred).....hum...

What's your Memory?  Join us for Memory Monday
  • Grab the badge and add it to your blog post, it encourages others to join us
  •  Be sure and add a  link back here in your post
  • Leave a comment here
  • Visit others
  • Have Fun

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mara-chi Surprise

This isn't a picture looking back, this is the type of thing/picture/moment that creates a memory.  This was my younger brother's 60th birthday party.  He's the one of the left with me in the middle and my older brother on the right.  The question is how long will it take for us to look at this as a memory and say...remember when?  The questions could be remember when we looked that young...remember when we all got to the restaurant before you and surprised you....remember when the Mara-chi bands played?  Or maybe remember the one picture of the 3 of us that turned out ok!  Seriously, the 3 of us never seem to be able to get a semi decent picture........so, my bets on remember that one picture where we all looked ok.......where is it.  lol

Please join us for another round of Memory Monday
  • Write your blog post and add our badge with a link back here
  • Post a picture or paint one with your words, and tell us a little story
  • Add your name and blog post url to the linky
  • And visit others on the linky.

Monday, August 05, 2013

School Daze, Memory Monday

Remember when kids dressed for school?  Here's a picture from the way back machine for you.  I'm in the middle, pigtails holding my package of school supplies.  This was the first day of first grade!  Welcome to another Memory Monday.

I sometimes wonder if the very relaxed/sloopy/anything goes as the dress code for school's today is reflected in the relaxed/sloopy/anything goes attitude of so many of our countries young people today?  Isn't dressing for the occasion a way to show respect for it, a way to show that's it's different then playing in your backyard, or hanging out with your friends.  What's appropriate in clothing, behavior, language etc isn't, or shouldn't be the same for school, as play or church.  People should act differently when with adults then they probably do with the kids their age etc.

Feeling old today I guess.  This photo was taken in Marion, Ohio the fall of 1956 I think.  The awesome part of this is, I've recently made 2 trips back to the neighborhood.  It looks very different with trees now grown, it was a very new neighborhood then built, for so many returning veterans.  The girl sorta behind me on my left, Debbie I just met up with this past Sat and had a wonderful visit with her, her younger sister Pam, and another friend, Wendy from those days so long ago. 

Join us for Memory Monday, no longer will Monday be a day that makes us groan.
  • Find a picture to share a memory
  • Add blog badge and link back here in your post
  • Add a comment to this post
  • Add your name and blog post url to the link
  • Visit others on the linky and have fun!

Saturday, August 03, 2013

I Choose Happy

Today is August 3rd, wow..where does the time go.  Seems we've barely gotten to enjoy the summer and we've been seeing back to school sales everywhere.  Really dislike seeing them all summer, can't we enjoy summer first.  Clicking on the above picture will take you to a very different type of blog challenge.  It's different because there's no linky, it's different because there's no sign up list.  Never done a challenge without those items, so it will be interesting to see how this works.  It's a very relaxed challenge, lol.  Relaxed and challenge don't seem to even to together, but the idea is to do it for fun, not to stress.   Here's a cut and paste of One Gals Musing's blog post about it.

Forget Your Troubles! C'mon, Get Happy!

On August 1, this year's August Happiness Challenge begins. The idea is very simple: "Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world."

Really. That's all there is to it. No rules.

I like finding an icon that will make me smile every time I see it for 31 days.

**Apparently we'll just use the comments as a list to visit from.

I'm not sure I'll do this everyday, as it's been a good number of months of one challenge after another and I think I'ld like to get back to "normal" blogging,  whatever that is , but
Focusing on the positive is something that calls out to me.

Happiness is a choice I think, we can't rely on others to make us happy...so anyone needing a little happiness, reach up there and take it.  And enjoy it.

Hearing birds chirping outside my window this morning as I type this scheduled post makes me Happy, what makes you happy?

Another thing that makes me happy is sweet memories, so pop back in on Monday for Memory Monday.