WOW........what a week. Work was tough this week, soooooooooo happy I have today off. Worked some long and late hours this. Heading to the chiropracter soon which is much needed and will make me feel better.
Hasn't been a super productive week, yarn wise. I did get those 4 scarfs done and off to my daughter, I did search for mitten patterns both for knitting and crocheting. Started the knitted one yesterday, and wasn't happy with it; thought it about last night..check size again this am...nope, not gonna work. Just pulled it off the needles to be frogged. Sigh Started a hexagon sweater the other day I think it's next in line to be frogged (it's crocheted)...not liking the feel of it with the yarn I'm using and hook size...might revert to my tested pattern and try this new one again later. I did manage to make an infant sweater using the tried and true pattern I like so much, though I need to tuck ends and sew on a button. It's the blue sweater pictures above. I love the blue varigated and am sad to be at the end of it. Bought a bundle of it a few years back when it was on a super sale. It's nice Caron yarn and I've used in lots of differnt projects, (little boys hats, a ghan for a little one who lost his grandmother, scarfs etc.). Think it was called denim.
One of my goals for this year was to try and learn some new things with knitting and crochet, try new patterns etc. Thus my quest to knit mittens above. Haven't yet thrown in the towel, believe I'll try the pattern again with larger needles then suggested and see if I get the result I need...not right now though. Gotta lower the frustration level by making something I know how to do. lol Might though try the crocheted pattern I found for mittens. I really want to get some mittens done for The Bridge Project.
Been a SUPER DUPER SUPERCALAFRAGALISTIC week for donations for The Bridge Project. Please hop over to the blog and look around at the wonderful items people have made and sent. Some are knitted, some are crocheted, many sizes to cover a variety of people. How truly heart warming to know so many people care about their fellow man. This has indeed been the highlight of my week. HUGS and THANKS to all.
**still searching though for good, fast and easy mitten patterns. Please post them if you got some, or email me at