Now they all have different problems and solve them differently and together they seem to bring out the best in each other. That's interesting to me given the ladies involved are different ages, come from different backgrounds, and initially really have nothing in common. One book was The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood, and one was Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs.
When I think of clusters of people who only associate with one group, say their church group; their neighbors, only their family, or perhaps only their work group or only the people at their childrens school, it makes me think how much they're missing out by not being with people different than them. This book was perhaps the sappiest of the 3, and the furthiest from reality it seemed to me. Though I did enjoy it. I think maybe I'm getting into the rhythm of these books. I read this sitting poolside and on the beach on a recent trip to Myrtle Beach. One needs a fluffy book I think for that setting.
There were emotional ups and downs and even when I thought them a bit unbelievable, I found myself wanting to pick up the book and see what happened to the silly teenager, or the UPS deliveryman. This is a series I think. Believe the others might be too. Will have to double check that and see what books are next so I can have them on hand for the next poolside or beach side adventure.
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I had yarn of course with me and worked on the wedding ghan, but one really can't knit or crochet at the poolside or at the reading about it seems to be the way to go.