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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dangerous Times, Afghans Completed



And After.  30 squares in this afghan, some knitted but most are crocheted.  In the before you can see how the sizes varied; but thankfully I had a rather large skein of the blue shown in the first picture to size the squares.  Only had a very small ball of yarn left...just made it...whew.  I titled this one Blue Eyes.  It's been laundered and is here drying/being blocked.  This is my 4th ghan made while we're wintering in SC.

Despite the bigoted jerk in The White House move of telling google etc to remove Black History Month, Pride Month, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jewish Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage, and Indigenous People's Month from the calendars, This is Black History Month.  If you haven't yet done so, please add it to your calendars, post it to your various social media pages.  AND next add Jewish Heritage Month to your May calendars.

Given we've recently seen Musk, and Steve Bannon give The Nazi Salute in public to applause,  I want to ask everyone to read/listen to this book.  We are facing very serious and scary times.  I know some people say they can't read about WWII or Hitler because it's too close to what's happening right now....I say that's why you must read it.  We had German American Bund Groups here in the US at the height of Hitler coming to power.  I knew Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg were pro-Nazi and anti American Government; but had no idea we had active children's groups.  There were 40 local branches of Nazi Youth Groups here in the US.  There were Nazi Summer Camps, primarily in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania; but the groups spread to Illinois, Wisconsin and California as well.  This book gives you such background about how prevalent White Supremacists were,  and how Pro Nazi groups came to power.  PLEASE read this book and tell others to do so as well.

A  picture from one of the Nazi summer camps...uniforms and swastika's.  And look how young some of these children were as they were being brain washed.

This picture has been posted before, but I thought it worth a repeat.  This Neo Nazi group marched in a neighborhood not far from my home just a few months ago.  The KKK is still alive and well, as are many other groups (The Oath Keepers, 2 percenters,  The Proud Boys) etc.  

There may be some confusion over what the child did or didn't say to THE FELON, but there's no confusion over how hideous this was that someone not elected, not vetted, someone without security clearance is doing a presser from The Oval office, as he looms over the convicted criminal.  I don't often say alot about politics on this blog, but........I'm not able not to today.
While this book isn't about WWII, it's about The Vietnam War; I found it also very pertinent to our time.  As minority groups are losing protections, this books paints a very true story of how horribly women were treated by their friends, their families, their government, their Veterans Association; and the general public.  YES, there were woman in Vietnam, and they suffered.  Nurses were on the front lines and experienced horrific first hand atrocities.  They, like the soldiers had a hard time trying to adjust to post war life in the US.  I've read several of Kristin Hannah's books, this might be one of her best.

Knitted and crocheting and exercising helps me not totally focus on all the horrific things happening, not just here in the US; but globally as well.


  1. Thank you for sharing both books. I am a fan of Kristin Hannah.
    Continuing to keep up with current events, things are moving so quickly, it is hard to do. Thank you for helping with keeping us up to date.

    1. Things are indeed moving very quickly, and not in a good way at all.

  2. Nice afghans, they came out nice. Good books, will have to look them up at the library. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Bill. Hope you're able to get the books.

  3. Blue Eyes looks really lovely and as always, I am sure it will be greatly appreciated. The world is indeed a worrying place but all we can do in our own small way is show by example how people should be treated.
    Best wishes

    1. Each day he does more horrible things and so we must double our efforts to care for each other. Thank you Ellie for your kind words.

  4. Your Blue Eyes afghan looks great! Thank you for adding me to your blog list. And thank you for the book recommendations. I shall check them out at the library.

    1. Let me know what you think after you read the books. Thank you for the compliment on my craft.

  5. Yes, we are facing very serious and scary times. I worry about my children and grandchildren's futures.

    1. I know what you mean, the generations after us are going to be left with a real mess thanks to this administration. The mess he's making won't go away over night.

  6. Beautiful 'blue eyes' blanket that will make someone very happy and keep them cosy too.
    Difficult times at the moment but I will celebrate all the events that are important to me whatever anyone else wants me to do.

    1. Thank you, I agree we must continue to celebrate and honor people even as he continues to make it harder to do so.

  7. Anonymous1:49 PM

    thank you for speaking up for human rights

    1. We must not bury our heads in the sand.

  8. Your afghan is gorgeous as are all that you do.
    I read The Women (after being on a 4 month waiting list)
    It was worth the wait. Thoroughly spell bound thru it.
    Kristin Hannah came to a book reading here many years ago. What a delightful lady just as I expected.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thanks so much for your compliment, much appreciated. How cool you got to see Kristin Hannah.

  9. I agree one of her best

    1. Glad you enjoyed her book too.

  10. It is sometimes hard to stay nonpolitical, and perhaps we shouldn't. As a Canadian, I am so very worried about tariffs, the threat to make us the next state (though he might actually regret that one) and the rants that just seem to keep being talked about. Here in Canada, most people have cancelled holidays to the U.S., many are selling their winter homes (not only because of our very weak dollar) and still more are boycotting American grocery items. I am sorry that this will hurt many ordinary American people, but we here as a nation need to do something. Stores are also finding other places to source items like oranges and grapes.
    Your Blue Eyes looks lovely.

    God bless.

    1. You're right it's hard to not be political and I agree we shouldn't be. We must be involved. I'm very angry and unhappy about what this administration is doing to Canada, and understand completely why Canadians are responding the way they are. He is a horrible human being and disgrace to this country. I still can't believe he was truly elected without the help of Russia.

  11. That's a good word for our times Sandy, hideous! No wonder so many books are being banned, they don't want us reading history and would rather keep us uneducated, uninformed, and typically demonizing universities and science. It's all mind boggling. Thank you for a very thought-provoking post. On the lighter side of things, your Afghan is lovely!

    1. You're right, the books being banned is all a part of the plan to keep people from knowing and understanding what's going on. Thanks so much for your kind words.

  12. Thanks for the post. It is always great to see your projects and what you are reading. Wishing you a beautiful spring. Such great reads and more. 💛🌸❤️💛Also thank you for reading and thank you for your comment. Yes, sometimes, it takes courage even if you might fall on your face and wish later you hadn't done that, but you never know. All the best to you and the adventures ahead.

  13. Thanks for the book recommendation, Sandy. A must read in these troubling times.

    1. Truly it is. The book is a real eye opener....at least it should be. Problem is, I don't know we get the red hat wearers, (The FELON's cult) to read it and comprehend.

  14. The whole Trump Administration is a horror show and he's only been in office a little over a month!

    1. Right you and look how much damage he's already done. Scary and sad.

  15. Thanks for the book recommendations and this public display of support for Ukraine. What happened in Washington yesterday was a shock and a disgrace. Who could ever have believed that American “democracy” could come to this? The world will never forgive you (collectively, not you personally) for re-electing Donald Trump, with his creepy sidekick Vance, with all the levers of power. It was patently obvious what he stood for; he campaigned on it, and the chickens are now coming home to roost. A world order that has kept us safe for eighty years has been broken. A Russian dictator and an American dictator are climbing in bed together. I suspect that they will shortly be joined by Xi. I fear for the future.

    1. My thoughts exactly David. I was unhappy when The Convicted Felon got elected the first time. Was thrilled beyond measure he didn't win against Biden, and was and still am horrified that he pulled through this time. How can people watch what he does and support that. I would think even if they're willing to close their eyes to his bullying, his lying, he sexual predatory nature that Jan 6th would have turned them from him. God help us, it did not. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

  16. ...the German-American Bund established in 1936 was a scary group in American history. Since many don't want history taught in schools, we never will learn.

    1. I know, it's truly frightening and not many know how bad it was, and could be again....or worse. Before we only some people in government that were Nazi's or pro Nazi; and now we have almost an entire party. Thanks for the link. I'm hoping to spread the word. I'm telling everyone I know about the book, and our past. Here on my blog, on Facebook, and in person.

  17. I just can't believe that people are ok with what is happening in DC. I never imagined anything like this would ever happen in the US. I hope things will backfire for you know who and people start pushing back!

    1. I absolutely agree with you Wendy. It's frightening that so many people are so blind they don't see it, or understand it. They don't realize they made this happen by supporting him and his cult.

  18. We're living in very scary times at the moment. I've read a few of Kristin Hannah's books and got a couple on my bookcase waiting to be read but not this one, though I've heard so many good reviews so I'm sure I'll get round to it at some point. The afghan is lovely, the different patterns of each square give it so much interest.

    1. Thank you Jo for your kind words. If you read the book, please let me know what you think. I found it very compelling.

  19. The Afghan looks lovely! Congratulations on completing it!

    1. Thank you Sherry, it's always nice to hear from you...been awhile. Hope all is well with you.

  20. The image of the neo-Nazi scumbags...wow. We are not where we need to be as a society, as a people. Hugs to you, Sandy.x

    1. I know Bea, truly frightening how far we are from what should be. I never thought we'd see things like this here in this country.


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