Picked up the blue and white corner to corner blanket again. You can see HERE, how much it's grown. The blue section has been completed and the 2nd white section, and now onto another blue section. The decrease has also been started, so am now over half way with this. Oh Ohio! What hot mess. I know it's been discussed in some detail around the country. Ridiculous amount of Republicans running for one spot, all but one trying hard to get the endorsement of "the orange one" , which tells you how pathetic the race was. All we can hope for now is the author of Hillbilly Elegy doesn't win in the election. Sad to me that he won the primary for that party, given how dysfunction he is. Several of the debates almost came to fist fights between the Republicans. Anyway, did my part yesterday and voted against them all.Haven't done anymore work on the pretty asymmetrical scarf pictured in the last post. Nor anymore work on the brown afghan.
My yoga mat on top of my Life Board. I did much better in April with Yoga. March was only 2 x, April was 8 x and in March the sessions were 30-35 minutes, in April 30-45 minutes with a total of 367 minutes or 6.11 hours.PLANKS...I did them 9 x in April, which is the same as in March. No going backward which is good, plus the last couple of days in March I increased the time from 4 x 40 seconds with 11 seconds of rest to 4 x 45 seconds with 13 seconds of rest. So, that brings up to 3 minutes of planks. I did side planks a few times which is the same as March.
WALKING...I jumped from 9 walks in March to 12 in April (which includes a couple of times mowing the yard). Fitbit says 128.34 miles which is up from March at 104.61. I had 2 days of 8 miles. April's mileage is the best of 2022 so far.
Elie Wiesel's "Night", is a memoir of his life in 1944 and 1945 in Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Parts of heart breaking, parts are inspiring as so many of these stories from Nazi's horrific treatment of the Jews and others they didn't side with Hitler. While many of these books from WWII aren't pleasant or fun or light reading; they are important. We must NEVER forget what happened so that we may keep it from happening again. History must be our teacher and our moral compass.
Can anyone identify these yellow flowers? I spotted them on a recent walk through the neighborhood. I know they're a perineal from a brief conversation with the homeowner who happened to be out in his yard. He told me what they were, but I didn't remember by the time I got home, darn it! He said I could come and get a start if I wanted. I might take him up on his kind offer. Now to remember which corner I was on. I rarely walk the same route, and when walking get engrossed in listening to my book...so it may take me some work to locate this corner again.