Rector mustered out of the service on Sept 26, 1865 and return to his former occupation of being a Blacksmith in the township of Rome with his family. His wife Alice J. E. received his Civil War Pension, no doubt much needed after Rector's death in 1924. Rector and Alice were the parents of Francis, Curtice, Edna, and John. This family was found in the 1880 census with ages being: 11-7-6-4.
I don't know how Rector came to be buried in Columbus, Ohio rather than his home Athens. More research is needed to know that story. No doubt with more research more of their stories could be told; for now let's honor the contribution they made.

This pink hat and shawl Stella's modeling is now comforting a friends sister who sadly has lost her loving husband. The hat is crocheted, the shawl is knitted. It is my hope as she keeps physically warm with these items, she feel the love and support to help her through a difficult time.
Had a good step day yesterday logging 16,426 steps on my pedometer. Today, not anywhere close. Perhaps tomorrow.