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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Where has the time Gone?

Well it maybe a bit late for this New Years Follow up (see my last post), but I had this cute graphic and still wanted to share with you all.  How perfect is this yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks and a Martini Glass!  In my last post I talked about getting back on the wagon with walking more, recording my food again, and being a virtual walking buddy to anyone wanting or needing friendship and encouragement.  I have walked more (being out of town 2 different times in warmer weather helps), I only managed to record my food for a couple of days and fell back off the wagon, and no one contacted me here to connect on facebook and or fitbit.  I've added lots of new friends through friend requests on fitbit and will be following up with Karen and Barbara who left comments on my previous post.

This is most recently completed work in progress.  I love the color green and enjoyed working with this yarn, Uptown DK, but did have some issues with getting this finished, thanks to the hungry vacuum, posted story HERE   The shawl was for a friend of my Daughter's who's going through chemo.

Recently started this shawl/scarf.  I say either or, as it might not be large enough for a shawl?  We'll see when completed.  The pattern calls it a shawl.  I started this long ago and frogged it.  The handspun just wasn't showing up very well in the original pattern, and it's better here .......though still not great.  Plus the color is off a bit, it's really more gold then the picture shows.  Strange how that happens sometimes.

Started this knitted stripped ghan for Bridge and Beyond, but had to frog about half of what you see here in the picture.  Kept having issues........pathetic since it's just garter stitch, but somehow my fingers and brain weren't playing nice together....typically in the evening after a Martini....hum...So, haven't taken an updated photo, but it's currently about twice this large with the colors stripes slightly different.  I do like the color combination.

 Another case of colors not being right.  This ghan is called Pink Persuasion.  It's not this pink, nor is it as muted as the picture belong.  The real color is somewhere in between.  These pictures were taken 2 different times, no doubt lighting different, and I actually think it was 2 different cameras.  The picture below is when I first designed it from donated squares, named it and added it to my collection to work on later.  The current picture shows 2 rows edged and assembled, how much the edging and joining is increasing the size and is actually the back side of the ghan.  Apparently when viewing the picture to know the color design on my ipad...the picture got flipped several times, so now to get things correctly laid down and connected, I'm looking at the back side, lol

Both ghans, and the shawl/scarf were projects I took on the road during January and February when hubby and I traveled to Hilton Head, SC.  Love going there in the winter.  No worries about a sunburn, but you also don't have to shovel snow.

 This is a perpetual calendar, a gift from my Darling Daughter at Christmas.  I've set up the first quarter of the year with dates and cards and dividers.
I began using it on January 1.  The idea is to use it to record a short sentence or two each day, about what you doing, feeling, what you're grateful for, anything really.  A calendar with more of a diary twist.  Each card is a day and once you complete the year, you start over using the same cards.  I was really enjoying using this...this was going to be my 2nd post of the year, the day after my New Years Post.....well, as you can see that didn't happen.  I've been gone 3 wks and had intended to actually make notes while away to fill in on my return.........that didn't happen either, so now my debate is pick up anew, or try to go back and fill in?  It's hard to know what thoughts you were actually having on any given day, so think I'll record where I was to remember 2 or 3 years from now why I didn't have anything, and start anew.

That brings me sorta up to date.  While away I did yoga for the very first time and enjoyed it.  A beginners class at the resort where we stayed.  I don't remember it all, and wonder if doing just a few things still is good...or if doing things in a particular order is part of the benefit?  Anyone know?  I also used exercise equipment for the very first time.  A couple of days were  too windy and wet to walk outside so I did some walking on the treadmill, road the stationary bike, and used an elliptical.  I also enjoyed that and wished I had a reasonable or predictable schedule enough to perhaps get a gym membership..........or maybe buy some equipment for here at the house.

Hoping to get back into blogging more in 2015, and hope you all are doing well.  Tell me what you've been doing.