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Saturday, January 08, 2022

Knitting Corner to Corner, Planks Work the Core, and We Must Be Brave


Digging through my stash for yarn suitable to make a baby blanket I came across this blue mix, JoAnn Sensations which is a mix of acrylic, polyester, and nylon.  Currently there are 71 stitches on the needles.  The pattern is the always popular Grandma's Favorite corner to corner.  Increases happen at the beginning of each row until you get the width you want, and then you start decreasing at the beginning of each row.  It looks pretty much like solid blue so far, but as you can see from the large ball, it is a blend of shades of blue and white.  I've only just started this and no doubt it will take a time to complete; but I only just found out a baby would be in need.  It currently measures 20 x 8 inches.
Am continue to work on the blanket of many colors.  I now have 4 full squares complete and the colors chosen for the next 2 squares.  I've made a few changes in colors from the previous post/pictures.  Am currently trying to determine if I want to stitch them together or crochet them together...or perhaps knitting them together.  I am leaning towards stitching them together, which is not what I typically do with squares/pieces, but these squares have a bit of an edge since they are made corner to corner, vs knitting back and forth straight rows.

No, this is not me, but this is the style of plank I've been doing.  I have done a variety of routines, altering time and repeats; but ....then I completed fell off the wagon.  A few days ago I restarted doing 40 second planks with 4 repeats and 12 seconds of rest in between.  My question is, are you ahead to do fewer repeats but longer planks or the reverse?  I've read articles supporting both methods.  I will not be doing these daily, you do need to rest.  I've done 2 days in a row with a day of rest thus far.

I recently enjoyed this audio book, "We Must Be Brave", by Frances Liardet.  When bombs fell on Southhampton, England people crowded onto buses and left the city.  Pamela, a little girl asleep on the bus wakes and wonders how she got where she is, and what became of her mother.  This Novel is entertaining, and very emotional.  And while it's not a "true" story, events like this did indeed happen during the difficult war years for many families.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Knitting Projects, Cocktail Napkins

Hard to see the squares behind the yarn, but making progress.  Was laying out next possible color combinations for my current project.  An afghan of many colors.  
Using the corner to corner method and changing color half way through.  This group with have the yellowish orange as the dominate color in this square.
Fun cocktail napkins.  I'm always in search of new ones.  Anytime I serve cocktails they are a source of conversation.  Sometimes it's just hubby and I, but sometimes it includes friends.  I have one friend that we typically see when we vacation at the various Marriott Time Shares who always takes pictures of my napkins and often takes hers with her.  

**edited title which included audio books.  Had this scheduled to post with the intention of adding to the post and never got that done...so next post will include updated projects with some info regarding an audio book I've listened to.

Saturday, December 25, 2021



Not sure why the tree looks different on the bottom then the top.  I tried taking the picture from several different angles, but it didn't seem to help.

Crocheted snowflakes on the french doors from the dining room leading out onto the deck (I didn't crochet them)
Dining room table

The fireplace, candles, wreath and nativity (hand painted by my Mother in Law, many years ago.  She did a fantastic job.
Close up of the nativity

A Merry Christmas to you all, Happy Hanukkah and whatever special holiday you celebrate.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Yarn, So Many Possibilities, Reading


I've begun a project with all my fun colors.  Though these mocked mitered squares will make an afghan at some point.  I'm trying to decide how to arrange them.  Here's one possibility.  with the same color on the coutside 
Or the common color in the inside

Or stripes vertical or horizontal, sorry must have moved as this first picture is blurry.  Common color right left right etc.

Or the common color going the same direction?

Not sure what I think, but am interested in your thoughts and preferences.  One idea is to do one of grouping of 4 and then have 2 large triangles on either side (doubling the size).

Might not be able to decide until more squares are completed.  Then there's the pinwheel design idea.

A fascinating book!
Another WWII book, but focused on a woman!  Ladies do yourselves a favor and read this book.  This is a true story.  Women can be awesome when given a chance.  I won't do a review, don't want to give anything away.

Cutting these post a bit short, as I know everyone is rushing with last minute things to get done for the holiday season

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Knitting, Reading and Decorating


Plymouth Encore, 200 yard skeins WW yarn.  Washable 75% Acrylic and 25% Wool.  This is my go to WW yarn.  LOVE the colors.  28 skeins here. 5,600 yards of yummy.  These colors were calling out to me, even though I have an afghan in the works that's close to being done.......AND a 2nd WIP, The Buckeye scarf (scroll back one post).  Have made progress with the scarf, it's bigger than it was in the  previous post; but I haven't taken another photo.  Maybe next time.  AND...do swing back to see what I'm doing with this 5,600 yards....or at least the first project using some of this.

The first book in 3 book series by Ken Follett.  If you like anything about history, the coming of age; you MUST read and or listen to this series.  I really enjoy listening to books and get them free from the library and use the Libby App.  The app is easy to search, to borrow, or be put on a waiting list.  Book 1, follows the lives of families in Germany, England, Russia, and a small Welsh coal mining town.  I highly recommend this book and the entire series.

Book 2 in the series, follows the lives of families in England, The United States of American, Russia and Germany.  And how what happened in their lives was dictated by events in and around World War II

Book 3, the final book of the series involves the same families (the 3rd generation) and the same countries: England, The United States of America, Russia and Germany during the cold war and lots of historical events including The Cuban Missile Crisis, The British Invasion, The Kennedy Administration, Watergate, and The Civil Rights Movement.  If you're my age, you lived through this period.  If you read or listen to these books, let me know your thoughts.

Decorating has begun at my house.  How about yours?  Do you decorate the same each year?  Do you buy a real tree or have an artificial tree at your house?

Hope everyone is getting their Boosters and getting the young ones vaccinated.  As the numbers of cases, and hospitalizations has risen in many states.  Sadly, my state is one of those.  And just a few days ago, the states first cases of Omicron have appeared here.  Oh how I wish I could wave a magic wand and get rid of this virus in all of our lives.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Buckeye Scarf, Thanksgiving and Reading


Started this newest project, a scarf in Buckeye Colors. These asymmetrical scarves are fun to make.  This is using Cascade 220 Superwash yarn 100% Superwash Merino Wool.  It's really nice yarn to work with and will feel good about the neck.  The skeins are small, only 136 yards and I just recently started on the 2nd skein.  I'm estimating it will take 3 skeins to make it a nice size; but we'll see.  I do have more than 3 skeins, just in case.  Purposed this yarn at my local yarn shop when they had a going out of business sale, so it was a good buy.  Sad to see them close.

Speaking of Buckeye Colors....this is our brunch before the Ohio State vs Michigan game a few days after Thanksgiving.  We had egg casserole, Cinnamon Rolls from Mama Mimi's (something they only make at Thanksgiving and Christmas), and of course Champagne.  Sadly, our team didn't play well, and Michigan won.  Their first win in 10 years.

Due to Covid, we did not join the large family gathering (too many people, indoors, without everyone being vaccinated.  But, we did set a nice table with heirloom family dishes.

Dishes that have been in the family a good long while.  Hand painted china, service for 12 given to me by my Great Aunt on my Dad's side of the family.  Dad's father's sister, Aunt Irene.  Irene was born in 1895 and lived to the age of 92 years old, dying in 1988.  I don't know how old she was when she either purchased or was given this set of dishes.  I know one of her sister's, Viola had a similar pattern on her dishes.

We dressed for dinner.

Another lighter book from my listening list. I found the book entertaining.  A story of life for two women, best friends for years when they become empty nesters.  

I also listened to this book while walking, working in the yard, doing kitchen prep etc.  The book is different than the TV show.  The parts that were different, I won't divulge in case you'ld like to read/listen to it.  One of the differences I liked better in the book; and a second major difference I liked better on the tv show.