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Saturday, January 08, 2022

Knitting Corner to Corner, Planks Work the Core, and We Must Be Brave


Digging through my stash for yarn suitable to make a baby blanket I came across this blue mix, JoAnn Sensations which is a mix of acrylic, polyester, and nylon.  Currently there are 71 stitches on the needles.  The pattern is the always popular Grandma's Favorite corner to corner.  Increases happen at the beginning of each row until you get the width you want, and then you start decreasing at the beginning of each row.  It looks pretty much like solid blue so far, but as you can see from the large ball, it is a blend of shades of blue and white.  I've only just started this and no doubt it will take a time to complete; but I only just found out a baby would be in need.  It currently measures 20 x 8 inches.
Am continue to work on the blanket of many colors.  I now have 4 full squares complete and the colors chosen for the next 2 squares.  I've made a few changes in colors from the previous post/pictures.  Am currently trying to determine if I want to stitch them together or crochet them together...or perhaps knitting them together.  I am leaning towards stitching them together, which is not what I typically do with squares/pieces, but these squares have a bit of an edge since they are made corner to corner, vs knitting back and forth straight rows.

No, this is not me, but this is the style of plank I've been doing.  I have done a variety of routines, altering time and repeats; but ....then I completed fell off the wagon.  A few days ago I restarted doing 40 second planks with 4 repeats and 12 seconds of rest in between.  My question is, are you ahead to do fewer repeats but longer planks or the reverse?  I've read articles supporting both methods.  I will not be doing these daily, you do need to rest.  I've done 2 days in a row with a day of rest thus far.

I recently enjoyed this audio book, "We Must Be Brave", by Frances Liardet.  When bombs fell on Southhampton, England people crowded onto buses and left the city.  Pamela, a little girl asleep on the bus wakes and wonders how she got where she is, and what became of her mother.  This Novel is entertaining, and very emotional.  And while it's not a "true" story, events like this did indeed happen during the difficult war years for many families.


  1. That yarn is gorgeous. Lucky, lucky baby.
    Planks? Not for me. If I get down to the ground like that I struggle to get up again. Well done you - and good luck.

    1. The planks aren't as easy as they were even 2 years ago, am indeed noticing loss of strength, but I do keep trying. I thought maybe if I posted about it, it would help to make me accountable? We'll see how that works out. The blue yarn is very soft and I've used it many times in the past; though they no longer make this particular blend.

  2. I love historical fiction!! Love the shades of blue "bankie"!

    1. You and me both Anni...I've been so into WWII books of late. I'm anxious to see the shades of blue popped out

  3. Oh...and My exercise is walking.

    1. Me too. I try to walk most days, but find it hard to do that in the winter with icy or snow on the ground.

  4. Believe it or not, as a boy I learned how to knit. Nothing elaborate, mainly scarves, but I once knitted a pair of mittens. I could probably barely hold the needles now!

    1. Good for you, many men who knit do so beautifully.. YOu should try it again and see what you remember.

  5. I adore the yarn you are using on the blanket. How wide do you think you will make it?

    No idea about planks, I just do stretches, and walk. I am thinking of adding some light weight training as well.

    God bless.

    1. I'm thinking maybe about 40 inches wide? Will keep measuring and eyeballing it until it seems right. I also like to walk. I've read weights are a good thing to do, I just haven't yet. Good luck with your exercises.

  6. We Must Be Brave sounds like a book I'd enjoy. Thanks for recomending it.

    1. I really enjoyed the book and hope you do as well. Let me know what you think.

  7. Blue look so soft.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. It's super soft which is why I choose it for a baby blanket. It's also light weight, but warm. Good to wrap a wee babe in.

  8. The shade of blue is so pretty and I like the colours you've chosen for your squares:)

    1. I'm anxious to see the blue shading kick in. And am having lots of fun with the bold colors for the ghan. I keep re-arranging some of the colors.

  9. Love all your knitting. I love the feel of knitting, but can't seem to finish my projects. Great colors for both projects! time4stitchn

    1. I have plenty of projects not completed, I think many of us do. It's a process for sure. Though I've been trying harder to finish things.

  10. That's a lovely colour for the blanket - lucky baby!
    Good for you with the plank - I don't think I could hold that for long. Any exercise that helps with flexibility has got to be a good thing as we age. I am still working on the downward facing dog pose but try as I might, I can't get it right and my heels down! I'll keep going...
    Best wishes

    1. Many instructors don't get their heels down, you still get a good stretch even if those heels aren't down. Mine aren't either; but sometimes I'm closer than others. Keep at it my friend.

  11. Glad to hear the knitting project is coming along. I would think the longer you can hold a plank then you should be able to do fewer. Keep up the good work.

  12. What a beautiful shade of blue for the blanket.
    I knit wash dish/wash cloths increasing stitches like that.

  13. I sure isn't in that sort of shape, as lady who doing the plank.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  14. I'm so impressed that you can do 40 planks! I can't even get down on the floor to exercise! I've not even been riding my recumbent due to various other health issues but hope to get back to it soon. You really love your WWII books. Not for me but glad you're enjoying them.


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