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Friday, July 27, 2018

Looking for Old Sweater Pattern,Knitting Cardiac Collage Afghan, Downloading Problems

Here's Cardiac Collage in it's early stages.  This was before adding other colors so things have grown quite a bit from this start.  But, this is the start from my hospital sitting, during a cardiac event my husband had.  Hopefully the next picture I will be able to show you more.  Having some ipad issues and so am using a shared computer and therefore not able to show you the new picture just yet.

This crochet sweater is one I made for my Mother YEARS ago.  I loved the pattern and wish I still had it.  It had great inset raglan sleeves and ribbed sweater bottom and sleeves.  The pattern was well written.  I don't know how I lost it, or I sorta think maybe I loaned it and never got it back.  It was made with sport yarn.  I've posted this once or twice through the years in hopes of someone recognizing the pattern.  I've searched antique patterns but haven't had any luck finding it.  From memory (almost 100% certain), the picture on the front of the pattern was a pretty mintish green or blue-green.  The pattern was I think a Leisure ARts Pattern.  One of those single leaflets that opened and had a pattern on the front and the back.

Not a great picture, used phone but was by a window so it's a bit light.  You can however see some progress with Cardiac Collage.  Since it was small it was/is portable and therefore has come to forefront.  I plan to make squares using up odds and ends and then piece them together.  The squares with have different numbers of colors, different amounts of shared colors.  Truly no symmetry to it.  Somehow, the lack of symmetry and predictable pattern seems fitting for cardiac collage (cardiac events are not at all symmetrical).

Haven't watched any good English TV of late, as hubby and I have been involved in other matters.  But, I do have a question for you.  Have tried to download movies and or tv series from my ipad using my Amazon Prime Membership so that I might watch something while on a couple of long plane rides.  I've googled and it appears I should be able to do that.  However, I do not see a download option.  Google tells me you can watch now, or download...any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Bomb Girls, Knitting Cardiac Collage, Jeweled Lines and Butterflies

LOVED this show.  Two seasons were available on Amazon Prime.  Lots of romance, history of WWII, with strong emphasis on the importance of Women and despite all they did, how they still didn’t get the respect or the pay they deserved.  People, both male and female somehow still thought they needed to cook all the meals, do all the cleaning, paint their nails and look pretty.  Looking pretty and finding a man...and goodness don't let anyone know you have a brain.  Young women should watch this show to have an understanding of how the role of women in the workforce has changed.

I was disappointed when it ended after two seasons...was a bit up in the air it seemed to me.  You can certainly see how Rosy The Riveter came to be.

Years ago at Christmas.  My older brother holding a cross Stitch Butterfly I made him.  As a kid he had quite a collection of butterflies and was very knowledgeable about them.  I also made the frame...or perhaps it's more accurate to say I put it together as one of those do it yourself places.
This yarn still looks the same.....in that it has not been casted onto any needles.  I have sorted patterns and believe I've found one I can use this yarn for to make a shawl.  But, am a bit nervous as it says it takes 400 yards and that's exactly what I have according to the label.  Not having extra makes me nervous, cause who's gage is perfect!  I may purchase something to go with it to do some minimal stripping just to give me a sense of comfort.

Jeweled Lines is almost done, but I don't have a picture to show you.  I'm in the very last section, but it's now on the back burner for a couple of weeks, as I needed a project that could be mobile, and it's far too big to big mobile.  So..you get a break from looking at the same thing over and over for awhile.  LOL

Cardiac Collage is mobile and so am working on it.  Posting from a borrowed computer as I was having trouble with my ipad and so can't show you a picture yet of this project either.  Hopefully soon.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Unknitting, Poppies, Pride and Prejudice...A Cardiac Collage

Jeweled lines is growing!  About 57 inches long here.  It looks really narrow because it's doubled over in my effort to keep it on the needles.  However, after taking the picture 2 days ago, I realized the wee bit (3 rows) of gray you see closest to you at the bottom........is the wrong color!  Argh.  Was watching tv with hubby and quickly looked at the other end to determine what color came next , it should have been blue....the turquoise I've been so worried about having enough of.  Dang it.  So, will need to unravel and add the turquoise.  I've never used a life line on an afghan, sure wish I had.  Have 220 life stitches off the needle to unravel, then trying to get them all back on without losing any or twisting them.  So, hunted for how to do one after the fact.  Saw several video's showing how to do it with purl, but not with garter.  Found one really short video with no audio that merely pointed with needles to the spaces between the ridges.  I have another 60 inch same needle and cord so used that instead of a darning needle and picked up the right leg of the V by pulling the rows apart.  Took FOREVER!  But, it did work.  I only lost one stitch which I was able to fix.  Will take another picture when the turquoise troubled section is done so we'll know about the yarn, being sufficient or not.  No way this will be matched.  I've already tried, have had it too long.
Isn't this beautiful?  Spotted this on Facebook the other day, my friend again who posts such nice art.  The photo is by Andrea Reinman.  Just thought it worth a share.
If you can get past Jennifer Ehle's mother's voice...which isn't easy I highly recommend this classic.  Quite good, but oh her voice.  Some gorgeous scenery.  This was one of those classic I never read when it was on the school reading list.  I was good at reading the first, middle and last chapter of mandatory books.  lol
This is..........waiting.  Waiting to be something.  This wasn't a planned project.  But I had a bag with these needles and bits of yarn which I grabbed at the end of last week when I needed to take my husband to the ER.  After about 6 hours in the ER he was admitted.  Needless to say, I was glad I had something with me for all that sitting time in the ER and hospital the subsequent day while he had testing.  It will be an abstract pieces parts afghan.  What should I call it?  Hospital Ghan, Waiting Yarn, Cardiac Collage.........hubby was there for a cardiac event. He's currently doing well, just needs follow up appointment and perhaps better med management.  I'm feeling the Cardiac Collage I think?  What say you?

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Slow Stitching on Sunday, Progress, Watching Charles Dickens and More

It's growing! Jeweled Lines is growing.  This photo was taken a few days (when I thought I would sit down and write a blog post), it was just a hair short of 52 inches at the time, with one row of the turquoise section started.  Got it stretched out as well as I can without having stitches fall off the needles, so it doesn't look very even in the picture, but truly it is.  Mine concern at this point is whether or not I have enough turquoise to finish the current section and complete the last section....It's going to be close I fear.  Once again the problem with quesstimation and no pattern, but when working with yarn you have on hand and or yarn that's been donated...........well.  You play through and hope for the best.  This ghan will be donated through my charity blog, Bridge and Beyond.
Join us for Slow Stitching Sunday

For my blog friends who cross stitch, a project from long ago.  So long ago, this was a photograph, not a digital picture, lol.  Two quilted placemates basically sewn together to make an apron with a cross stitch area.  This was a Christmas Gift for my Mom.  Over the years the picture has faded...tried to brighten it after scanning, but it's still not a good photo.  Wish I had done more of design.  With today's eyes, it's rather plain.  I wonder whether or not my Dad still has this somewhere in the house.  I should ask him.
This was posted on Facebook as a teaser a few weeks ago when my friends across the pond were anxiously awaiting the next session.  We here in the US...are still waiting.  Just thought it was comical, so thought I'd share.
LOVED this yarn.  Sooooooo soft.  When my Darling Daughter was home for a visit, we naturally went yarn shopping.  She purchased 5 different types of yarn, all at 50% off.  I wasn't as lucky.  This is one of two hanks I purchased, mine were only 15% off.  This is 400 yards of hand dyed fingering weight.  It suggest a needle size of 1............what was I thinking!!!  Loved the colors, and softness, but now am in search of something to make with it that maybe I can use a size 3 for.  
This is yet another of my English viewing while knitting and icing my foot.  This was a very short mini series.  Little Dorrit is a Charles Dickens story that takes place between 1855-1857.  The story of being born and raised in Marshalsea Prison, a debtors prison.  As many of Dickens theme, it's full of many emotions;  but shows a good deal of the dark side......the hard times that people endured.  Central figure is the same as Queen Elizabeth in The Crown, Claire Foy...who was also in Upstairs Downstairs, as the very colorful and not very nice sister.  I do recommend this short series.
I don't often post political things on this blog, but felt this was very appropriate given current events.  This Holocaust Memorial by Marie Uchytilova remembers 82 children who were taken from Lidice to Cheimno, an Extermination Camp in July of 1942.  The fact there are large number of people led by extreme groups who say The Holocaust is fake news, never happened.......makes me sick to my stomach.
**Longer than normal post, catching up since it's been a bit since my last post.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Knitting my Way Through British TV

Finished this series a few days ago.  It premiered back in 2016 and was a remake  of an earlier The Durrell's.  Took me some time to get into this series, but am glad I played through.  It takes place in Corfu and was re-titled for release in United States as The Durrells oin Corfu.    

The scenery alone is a reason to watch this.  A good deal of the series was in fact filmed there on the beautiful Greek Island.  I found it sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes dysfunctional.  I wanted the Mother to knock some sense into her very self absorbed kids......but, I did not know while watching, this was in fact based on a series of books (My Family and Other Animals, Birds Beats & Relatives, and The Garden of the Gods by Gerald Durrell.  This series is based on a real family who did indeed live on the island for 4 years.  The island had no electricity.  They left the island due to troubles when the war broke out.  I learned a bit more about the real family, but won't spoil it by saying more.

Watch the series, or read the books and then watch.  Gerry, whom I did not like at all in the series, became a well known naturalist and zoologists.  So, I guess he eventually grew up...and maybe took a bath.
Yes, I've continued to knit on with Jeweled Lines and it is growing.  Finished the turquoise section, added the small gray section and have started the large Amethyst section.  We're at about 46 inches thus far.  The olive green section is next.  Hope to get to that point for the next blog post.  This afghan like 99% of those I make will be donated through my blog, Bridge and Beyond, which is dedicated to helping homeless.  I'm needing to start another project so I have something small enough to tote with me.  This is getting to large and heavy to carry around and work on anywhere but in my chair in the living room.

Progress on the foot went backward for about 2 wks, but I believe we're on the upswing again.

Continuing to work on finding lost classmates for my 50th class reunion.

And to leave you all with a bit of smile........a laugh for the day.  Spotted this the other day on Facebook and thought it too good to not share.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Oh Deer, Where are my Classmates, we Have Yarns to Share!

--I'm participating in Slow Stitch Sunday, please come join us.
Jeweled Lines is growing, but it seems to be at a slow point right now for me.  It's 43 ish inches.  I'm a bit over half way through the largest turquoise section and next up will be a small gray strip followed by the amethyst.  I've not been knitting quite as much as I've begun working hard at finding lost classmates.
My high school class reunion for 50 years (egads how did I get that old) is next year.  I'm the person that finds people and maintains the database.  It's a job.  With those who've passed on (surprising how many), those that have moved, women who divorced and therefore have a different name etc.  Anyway, because of that, I've been on the computer more and therefore knitting less.
This is a most unusual view from our windows this am.  Seriously you can see we do not live in the country or a wooded area.  We are in a very developed, long standing neighborhood.  These two Deer (one has a reasonable size rack, and the other has one starting), spend a good amount of time cruising around in our yard, (non fenced), then hopped the fence behind us where the blue house is, then came back and jumped the chain length fence to our neighbor to the right of us.  In front of blue house is a major road...one of the most major in our community that connects 2 neighborhoods and 2 freeways.  They need to get across that road to get to safety.  About 1/4 of a mile on the other side of said road and to the right is a golf course......perhaps that's where they came from?  Down the busy road or any of our roads on this side takes them to the river in about a mile.......but then have to cross a 4 lane extremely highway to get to the river. 
Last week I shared a cross stitch I made years ago (scroll back to previous post), so today I thought I'd share one of the quilts I made a good number of years ago.  I do do other stitching besides knitting and crocheting.......just not as much.  I have some lovely blog ladies visiting who do really intricate cross stitch and or make very involved quilts...with real quilting patterns.  I'm a dabbler.  But, this quilt was fun as it's made from flannel nightgowns.  In my younger years we had a group of friends who skiied every year and we  woman would have "team" nightgowns for lounging around at the end of the day.  Nothing warmer or more comfy than a flannel nightgown after skiing in the cold all day.  So, this quilt was made for a very good friend from those nightgowns with cross stitched squares that have memories from our various trips.  I had planned to make one for the other lady in the group and myself........somehow, that never happened.