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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Happy Birthday Girl

 This gorgeous bouquet is one of two from my Darling Daughter!!  Sipping my 2nd cup of coffee of the morning, still relaxing in my jammies when the door bell rang.  It was Fed Ex, who rang the bell as they left the box of flowers by the door.  I don't know what some of the flowers are, but they're so pretty.  Pink roses, several shades of pink in the unidentified category and pretty purple.  This bouquet is on the dining room table, and the 2nd bouquet is in the living room.  So I can enjoy these in more than just one room.  Happy Birthday to me.  My DD is so thoughtful.    She'll be home next week for Thanksgiving, can't wait!!  Thank you Darling Daughter!!!
 Those who know me, or have read some of my posts, probably know how found I am of a good Martini!  This Birthday Card really made me laugh out loud.  I sometimes attempt to do some yoga moves.  Mostly my exercise is doing planks, and walking...lots of walking.  One of my Fitbit Friends, Cheryl saw this card and thought of me.  Yep, she knows pretty well.  Thank you Cheryl.
This cute little bouquet is from my work.  They gave it to me yesterday, since I wasn't working today.  Love the pretty fall colors, and the little mason jar.  I am enjoying this in my office.  It's on top of my bookcase.

I'm not a person that really does much about birthdays.  My family really never was.  We're not big card buyers, or gift givers; so it's unusual for me to even post about it.......but hey with pretty flowers and funny card....just thought I'd share.

Are you big on celebrating birthdays?  Do you buy cards for others?

Hubby is taking me out for a nice steak dinner ...and I had a lovely massage earlier today.

So, yeah I'm getting older.  As old as Dirt; but life is good.

Monday, November 06, 2017

Fun Dressing Up the Table

The family dinner table is an important part of family life. Sadly though it seems many families don't sit at the dinner table together as much as they did when I was a kid, or even as much as we did when my own daughter was a child. Many experts say that's a key thing missing in today's society and family structure.  Kids are busy with school and related sports activities and families eat on the go.  But, perhaps with the holidays approaching setting a nice table and sitting together as a family can be achieved.

My husband and I always eat in the dining room, except for Friday night which is traditionally pizza night at our house.  That night we sit in front of the boob tube.  I always use cloth napkins.  They're more environmentally friendly for one, and I like the feel of them over paper napkins.  I've not yet tried these folds, or anything beyond folding flat or rolling; but plan to.  I wonder if the napkins need to be fairly new so they're sorta stiff?

Do you use cloth napkins?  Have you tried these or other pretty/cute folds?  Do you eat at the dining room table?  Leave me your thoughts in the comments below.

This blog has been in moth balls for a while and I'm hoping to fix that.  I recently re-charged my travel blog, Traveling Suitcase, where I'm currently blogging about a wonderful trip to Ireland and Scotland.  I've managed to keep my charity blog, Bridge and Beyond, current.  But, back to napkins, I always pack cloth napkins when hubby and I travel domestically.  We stay in condo's/timeshares so do the bulk of our meals in.