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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Granny

If you've been to my blog before, you know I always name afghans I'm working on.  This afghan is being assembled from donated crocheted squares through Bridge and Beyond for project, "Welcome Home".  I've got it tied together and have started crocheting it together, then it will need a nice border.  Once completed it will be donated.

I'm still knitting Sea and Sand, and the Traveling Scarf, but no headway on the purple whatever scarf.  Purple whatever scarf gave me fits so is in time out and that's all there is to it.  I'll show it who's boss, lol...well probably not, yarn usually gets the upper hand, as no doubt you all know.

I've not gotten to participate in WIPW in quite awhile, things have been busy, so am pleased to be able to play with you all today.  All badged and links for the meme's in tab across the top of the blog.  Join us, the more the merrier.

**WOW just noticed, I'm creeping up on blog post #500, pretty cool.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Columbus, Aruba, Cleveland and back

Isn't it loverly!  Sigh, much more un-knitting got done then knitting, or perhaps that's not true.  The same amount of knitting followed by un-knitting got done.  This awesome yummy yarn is soooooooo soft, so pretty, so shinny.  It's to become something for my DD who LOVES purple.  It's Berroco Bunsai.  Bamboo and Nylon, mostly Bamboo 97%.  Not sure what my problem was, but I couldn't keep count.  Finally after the 2nd try realized the pattern wasn't quite right and tweaked it and figured that would do it.  And it would, if I could have concentrated.  Perhaps getting up at 4am to depart the airport and head for Aruba was the problem.  I was both sleepy and excited.  So....really nothing to show you.  Then I left my bag with my counter, pattern, stitch markers, and scizzors in the seat back in front of me when I disembarked.  ARGH.  I've never done that, left something behind.  Apparently this project was doomed, truly so.  I don't even remember the name of the pattern so...at some point I'll look again and hopefully manage to pull it off.  I also lost a different size needle from my Denise set in the bag.  As I had 2 sizes to work on different projects during the flight.  Sometimes, you just need a change.  After all, the first flight was 4 hours, followed by 1.5 hours in the 2nd leg.  This is named as project for Christmas for DD on the year in progress list.

This was started on the way home from Aruba on the flight.  Something much simplier was in order I thought, plus I needed to go with the size needle I had on hand.  I LOVE LOVE this yarn and the colors.  It's Mochi Plus, Crystal Palace Yarn, 80% Merino Wool and 20% Nylon.  It's lovely to work with, slides so nicely and is soooooooooo soft and light weight; but will be warm with that amount of wool.  Just blocks of different sizes of good olde garter and sections of stockinette stitch....just wanted a bit of texture.  The yarn is so lovely, not sure much detail is required.  This could perhaps become an object for Christmas for DD.  So, am naming this "Traveling Scarf".  It went from Aruba to Columbus via plane, and Cols to Cleveland and back via car.

And while, I've not shown you Sea and Sand in awhile, I have made progress.  When I last posted a picture HERE, I was working on the brown variegated section.  Finished that and the larger light grey section and am now on the next variegated section. 

Hoping I can get one more row with these current variegated then will do one more section of the light grey, variegated and then the dark grey...soooooo feel like I've really turned the corner on this.

I've been busy and haven't blogged as much, missed lots of WIPW, FOF, and YOP post.  Hopefully, I'll be seeing you all more.  I was out of town for an extended time.  I was enjoying the Aruba weather as the title suggests.  Sadly though, my friend in Cleveland had a huge tree fall on her house, thus the trip there.  Not that I can do much, but hubby and I wanted to provide some moral support for a long time friend.

YOP list, badge and link in tab on blog top.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fun, Playing in the Sand Box

Woot Woot, it's Friday and that means Finished Object Friday.  I've not had a finished object to share with you all in quite a while, so am please to share with...even as it's drying after being laundered...a bit of blocking here....Sandbox!  Am very happy with the end result.  It's sized nicely for a family, it's good neutral colors and I love the way the variegated (driftwood) yarn used for both the edging and the joining made everything pop.

FOF badges and links in tab across the top of the blog.  This ghan, like so many I put together is from donated squares through Bridge and Beyond and will be donated as a house warming gift to a family leaving shelter living and moving into "their" new home.

Join us for FOF, it's fun.

Happy stitching all.

Love having visitors check out Bridge and Beyond, if you've not done that in the past.  We're always happy to have more helping hands for this very worthy cause.

Want something lighter, come explore with the every popular, Flat Stanley.  After all, it's soon to be spooky Halloween, and Flat Stanley is in a graveyard, how perfect is that!