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Saturday, June 11, 2011


memories signI photographed this sign the other day when my Dad and I traveled to Urbana to visit my 92 year old Aunt in assisted living. These words have been haunting me a bit since I first read the sign. Yes, at that age she doesn't remember things like she used to; but actually her memory isn't much of an issue. I photographed the sign because it makes me think of a dear friend with severe Alzheimer's.

We all know the disease affects many elderly, but sadly it affects many younger people too. My friend was diagnosed several years back, so obviously had it awhile before being diagnosed. I've read quite a bit on line about the 7 stages and she's most definitely in the late stages (final stages, stage 7). She was in her 50's when diagnosed.

She's not been able to carry on a conversation now for a couple of years, and has not been able to be left alone while her husbands at work. She requires 24 x 7 care.
The following is a cut and paste from The National Alzheimer's Association.

Alzheimer's disease has no survivors. It destroys brain cells and causes memory changes, erratic behaviors and loss of body functions. It slowly and painfully takes away a person's identity, ability to connect with others, think, eat, talk, walk and find his or her way home.

We've spent many a vacation at the beach through the years; even when our girls were all young. We have many memories. Recently, hubby and I spent a week at the beach again with these very good friends; in hopes of bringing back some of those old memories we so cherish.

Share a memory with someone you love, maybe someone from your past. Keep memories alive, tell family stories, reminisce with friends. Take time to let people you know you care about them, while you can. It's more important then you know.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Third Times The Charm, I think?

Work In Progress Wednesday

first afghan stripPlan A was to be to 2 colors, the light and middle color above, was to be separate squares using dishcloth patterns. I blogged about it HERE, you might remember. That was designs using the light color, garter stitch squares using the middle color. The idea being it would provide both color contrast and texture contrast. Onto plan B, because the light colored squares designs weren't showing up very well. That was designs on medium color, using light for garter; and or designs on both...oh wait. Plan B 2 was hatched. I wasn't going to have enough yarn, enter the 3rd color, the above dark brown. After making 4 squares you see HERE, 2 of the light and medium color....plan C was hatched.
close up afghan stripSpoke with DD and we decided to nix the dishcloth pattern idea completely, just weren't seeing the designs, and if you did, without knowing what they were suppose to be...you really didn't know. Using my stitch books and book of 200 squares comes plan C. Three colors, three squares each a different pattern/texture. Then I thought to help make up lost time, rather then making separate squares I would make strips to eliminate lots of casting on, binding off, and minimize the stitching together.
yarn colorsUsing 200 Knitted Blocks by Jan Eaton I soon learned in order to do a strip, you need the same number of stitches in the cast on. Searched the book for 3 squares I thought complimented each other, 3 that had the same number of cast on stitches and have my fingers crossed this works. I truly need want real opinions here folks. Using Plymouth Encore Chunky (25% wool 75% acryclic), and size 10 Addie Turbo's, will make it soft, warm-heavy, but washable.

The 3 squares very in that the lightest color is an eyelet pattern (lightest in stitch appearance), the medium tan is called Little Blocks (I think medium in pattern appearance), while the dark brown is called Arrowheads, and is, I believe the heaviest in pattern appearance. The Arrowhead section has purls on the edge and so curls in a bit; but I believe when stitched to the next strip will smooth out nicely and be even.

This is a wedding gift for my DD best friend. She's the maid of honor. I wanted the ghan to be appropriate for her hubby to use as well. Earth colors should blend with any decor...right?

**note to my fellow bloggers, and wipw members, please please KILL the word verification, try it for a week, you'll be amazed and pleased with how well the filter on blogger works. You really really don't need the captcha thing, it's sooooooooo annoying, and time consuming. Try it at least, change your settings. Most of us can't see those idiot letters and they really aren't needed, the filter is what get's rid of the spam** Please and thanks

Monday, June 06, 2011

Me Time

What do you like to do with "Me Time?" I like to get up when I want, not with an alarm, sit in jammies drink coffee, check in here on the computer. While on the computer I like to check my mail, see what's going on with my blogs, check my dashboard to see if it's time to write another blog or if I have one in que to be published. Then do some knitting and or crocheting, then more computer stuff like checking in on facebook, ravelry and the like. I like quiet, so I do not turn on the TV, or radio, nor do I have the sound on my computer. I like peace. I enjoy alone time. I can spend hours like that.

Sit in the living room a bit with the yarn, then move to the computer and back and forth. It breaks things up. Sometimes you have to throw in things like doing laundry, running the vaccum, making the bed naturally. But, even then...if you're alone you can do a little of this, and a little of that. Like maybe knit 5 rows, throw a load in, visit blogs for half an hour, by then it's time to put the wash in the dryer...see what I mean. A bit of this and that.

Monday, though...that rarely works. Monday means you have to start your week, check your to do list, see what the priorities are. On top of that for me I have to verify my ever changing work schedule, make sure I've written it on the calendar. No 2 days are the same for me. So, Monday Already!

Care to join this linky for Monday? Love to have you.
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2. Write your Monday Already Post with a Link to this post
3. Add yourself to the linky
4. Visit others on the list. If you're an early bird to add your name, do hop back over later in the day to see whom else has joined the fun.

Anxious to see What Monday Already means for you all.