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Monday, November 16, 2009

Tickets Please

Halloween ConductorYou've perhaps seen some cute pictures of this little guy before. Maybe on his Thomas The Train Bike, or his Thomas The Train Bed, or wearing a Thomas The Train Shirt....got the picture? He LOVES all things train related, with Thomas and his friends at the top of the list.

Here's my pseudo-grandchild at Halloween. He'd only just gotten over the flu, so wasn't as animated as he typically is.........still though, soooooooooo cute.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I love making booties and wee little hats

I'm not sure what color you call this, but it's one of my favorite colors when making baby items. This is the same yarn I used awhile back for a scarf and hat for The Bridge Project. In fact, it's the same skein of JoAnne's Sensation. I love buying that yarn in it's large quantity. This hat and pair of booties went to my SIL for a baby shower gift. I've made a 2nd pair of booties, and have started a 2nd hat. This 2nd set will go one of the charities...perhaps Lil Troopers?

One skein has 615 yards of yarn, so you really can make quite a bit with one skein of it. This is chunky, so thicker than normal weight yarn, and soooooooooo soft. The set is knitted. The hat was knitted in the round, while the booties are straight garter stitch (I think they're more cushy when made with straight garter stitch), on size 9 needles.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winter Wonderland

knitted preemie blanket
I've been trying hard to change WIP (work in progress) to FO (finished Objects) as I have too many projects going. Would love to get everything currently started finished by the end of the year to start fresh in 2011. Don't know if that's going to happen, but I'm trying.

This preemie knitted ghan is for donation to The Linus Project, through Oddball knitters. It's a fun group, everyone knits a section and passing the blankie along to the next person. Each blankie has a theme, a name and the knitters select their colors based on that. I've had this one far too long. Had it tucked away when Mom died; and finally remembered it, found it and got it finished and mailed. Felt good to get this long over due project finished. Working on a 2nd one currently for this group that's almost as old.

An especially busy week this week at work, longer than normal days.........sigh, that really cuts into my knitting, crocheting, and blogging time.