Thank you all for the good wishes for my Dad. I'm happy to say, he's back home and doing well. My Aunt settled in nicely at the nursing home and things were going well for awhile. Sadly, that didn't last and she ended up back in the hospital (at least it was here in town this time). After a weeks stay in the hospital, I can say she's no longer in pain; she is now at peace and for that........we are very Thankful. Am hopeful life will slow down a bit, and get back to "normal".
Above photo shows close up of the border.
Finished knitting this October cloth on a recent road trip to St. Louis to visit with DD., and therefore was able to give it to her. This is cloth 7 in the Cotton Cloth Calendar Challenge. Next up, need to work on November's cloth. **Editing to add name of pattern, and link for the October Cloth. Easy Squidge by Sasha. Click HERE
The Green Green Grass of home. You may remember seeing this scarf in the works. It's a scarf I started while spending time at the hospital with my Dad. It was donated to Bridge and Beyond.