Anyone addicted to yarn, like myself will relate to this I know. Moving a few things around the other day, and found a bag of something soft. Hum, wondered what it was. When I opened it, I found booties! Had completely forgotten I made these. Not even sure when I made them (maybe on the plane when hubby and I went to Florida?), but was thrilled to find them. They're mostly FO (finished objects for my non yarn friends). I'll be able to add these to the current hats and booties I'm making. Got 2 sets finished, and 2 partial set's hopefully can get these all finished and in the mail soon.
*Found objects are the 2 pair of patriotic booties, the multi-colored wee little preemie booties, current items are the yellow hat and booties-multi-colored hat, aqua hat & booties, and the light blue booties. Plan to make booties to match multi-hat, and hat to match light blue booties.
Soooooooo....go clean out something and see if you find a treasure too. Let me know if you do.
Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving with family, and hope you'll check out my posts about being Thankful, here and here.