Because it's October and we all think about Pink I pulled out my pink stash. Did some untangling, some sorting, some rolling balls. Decided I would pull out all the small balls things about 1-2 inches and use them up.

Here's the start. After the pink section I'm currently working on, I have one more small ball of pink....so then will yank out the green stash and do the same thing. This is helpful, it's reminding me what I have. Giving me a chance to organize a bit too, since some of the hanks etc have been in the bags of stash awhile and they do get a little messy. So far I've managed to actually end at the end of the rows, though ...when you're knitting a corner to corner the first rows are much shorter so that's easier to do. I probably won't as time goes on, and I think that's ok. Changing mid row, might add some character to this ghan. I also don't think I'll make an effort to always end on the right or wrong side. After all I want to use up the balls. I've become a real fan of the corner to corner ghans. They're easy and work up fairly fast with just doing garter stitch. They're a good way to use up yarn, they look decorative I think with the edge made from the yarn overs. This one will probably go
Bridge and Beyond for Faith Mission. Those women and children are truly in need.
Apologies, it's been 2 weeks since I've posted. Wow, I never let it go that long. I've been working more hours, and have put lots of time and energy into working on the blog for Bridge and Beyond. Adding tabs, doing more frequent posts to help it's placement in the search engines, and doing lots of posting and promotions on other blogs, and forums to obtain more helping hands.
Would love you all to take time to visit The Bridge, maybe you could print a flier or two which you'll find in the tabs across the top of the blog to help spread the word. Could I also ask you to visit and comment on 2 or 3 different posts? That's helpful as well with the whole search engine thing.
I hope to get around to visiting you all again, please know you're not forgotten.