So this Ouija Board is my O memory. Mom and I played with this for hours and always had great fun with it. It's one of the few items I kept from my childhood, and you can tell by the's been around a good number of years. It was common place for she and I to sit on the edge of my bed after we had done the dinner dishes and ask Ouija questions. It was our "Girl Time." We asked it important questions, like who was gonna ask me to the next dance. lol Sometimes it would just start talking to us. After we'd ask it questions, we say Ouija do you have any information for us; and it often did. As I recall my Ouija was a male Ouija, it told us that. My brothers and Dad would come in the room and laugh at us, say we were pushing it....but we weren't. They'd try it but it typically didn't work very well with them.
It did predict things pretty accurately for me. Once in fact, it spelled out a name of someone I didn't know. A few days later, I met this boy walking down the hall at school. A short week later he asked me out; and we dated for awhile. Sometimes in the summer months just before school was due to start we'd ask it what my school schedule was going to be. What teachers I was going to have. We even wrote them down so we could compare when school did start. So, the force was strong with Mom and I.
A good friend loved it too, and it wasn't uncommon for the 3 of us to play with it. She soon got one of her own and we had neighborhood parties. We'd get both Ouija boards going at the same time with all the neighborhood kids around. This was when we were all in High School, as I recall. Good times were had by all. Her Ouija was a girl Ouija. I wonder if she still has hers?
I always thought of it as a toy; until a few years ago I read some people are actually afraid of them, and won't let their kids play with them, or have them in their houses. I know one person goes to garage sales for the purpose of finding the old original ones to destroy them. Don't get that. Don't want one, fine don't buy one or use one. Why destroy someone elses fun and in my case very special memories of Mom.
Too bad I didn't get this out of the basement all these years, we could have had some more fun.
My alphabetical Memories:
Other Memories:
A=Advice, Afghan, Apples
B=Bread, and Bernie
C=Camping, Creativity and Courage
D=Dancing and Delaware Dam
E=Energy and Etiquette
G=Gown (wedding gown), grape pop
H=Hammocks and Holidays
I=Ice Skating and Isaly's
J=JACKS, Mother and Daughter, childhood games
K=Kindess, something we're taught
L=Love Story
M=Memories, One Year Ago Today (Making Do and Mohican)
N=Noodles Over Niagara
W=Wow Mom, The Wisteria